Celestia; The Angelic Islands. All of the Angels rested here on the numerous Empyrean Isles hovering over the Veritas; the highest Empyrean Isles that there were, and made specifically for the angels of each respective Order, Sphere and Choir. Though they'd been watching over the Veritas from on high for a very long time undisturbed from their natural God-given Order, it was finally time for the Oath of yore to be fulfilled.
A bright crystalline light shone down from above, fully encompassing the entirety of the range of the Angelic Islands. Each of the floating masses would be drawn closer to this light, pulled toward the bright One that would be descending from the center, with a shining body of crystal seeming to be projecting that light. A voice like thunder called out to the Angels, "Order." From there, the glistening vessel would be lowered down into the very center of the islands, where there was space for him to hover freely and no land underneath his feet. He waited patiently.
When the shining one's light of crystal extended out and touched the numerous floating land masses of the Angels, each of them would look to it with splendor and awe.
It had been some time since this light had touched down, and now that it had, each angel stood at complete attention, stopping whatever they were currently doing and giving all focus and glory to the glowing light that had lowered itself to their sight. It was the duty of one of the sacred ones, Archangel Gabriel, to greet him.
Gabriel: Your Highness...
The land mass that floated toward Kairo Tensei belonged to Gabriel and to each of his angels that were under him and within his order. As Gabriel's projected form towered over the island and the angels on it, his image would encompass the entirety of the land, as though he were one with it, and watching over as an Oversoul.
Gabriel: We have been waiting for you.
Gabriel's form was nothing like it was custom; as that of a lion, or even a man. The astral projection of his image looked more like a primordial. It was giant, having the conceptual figures and proportions of Man and Lion, yet shifting equally and elegantly between them, and only coming to rest when he decided. Even his wings fluttered about amorphously, and the plumage flickered from his form like the rolling of water and the flicker of a flame. In his hand would be a great trumpet, which would be blown with the force and sound of thunder, just as had been the call to Order.
Gabriel: Everyone Hail!
At his cry, each of the angels would bow their heads solemnly and humbly in respect, and then rise when it was time.
"Rise," he called out to them all, waiting to see each of their faces. Though he knew them, he also did not know them, for he was both The One and also a New One at the same time. "Gabriel," he spake, knowing the name of one of the greatest, "I appreciate you coming to greet me so. You are most kind, Living One." Kairo Tensei sought to become very familiar and very close to each and every Angel that there was, as well as assign new ones to the Ranks and Orders of the Choirs. He looked to them all as they were, and he could do nothing but smile at them.
"Mikhail," he called forth, summoning the Oath Keeper, "I'm sure you know what my return means. If you have all been truly waiting for so long, then the time of the Rebellion is upon us. And in that Rebellion, it is not of God we are defying... It is of Sin and Godlessness." It was quite the information, and something that perhaps, only Mikhail, himself, knew about. Though known under the name of 'Michael,' he was also 'Mikhail,' and Kairo Tensei was much more fond of that name. It could be considered a name of closeness, since he, Michael and Gabriel were all very close.
He closed his eyes and bowed his head. "Even now, I am not the Highest, and you all should know very well who and what the Highest is. You have served him since the Beginning, and I know you will do so in the End, during the time of the Coming. The Rebellion... Is to exact that End as both He sees fit, and The One that has been chosen." If they were truly aware, then they should have known for absolute certain that this was Kairo Tensei. He would never be so blasphemous lest it were the absolute Truth, of which he was sworn to, as the Spirit Of Truth spoken of in the Holy Text. As he waited to be greeted by the next Archangel who would be leading the Heavenly Army, he rested from his speech and allowed the rest of the congregation to say what they would.
With the next Command of the Chosen One, Michael, of whom was endearingly referred to as 'Mikhail,' would step forth, yet not in an astral form, as his brother Gabriel, but instead in the form of a normal man donning the fabled wings of an angel.
Michael was a humble angel; he who submits to the Lord God in all ways, and would be the most trusted with such dealings. He hovered over to the one like a Son of Man, whose hair was white as an Ancient of Days. In his hand, he held the Oath; the sacred Word and Text, which was marked with the holiness of the Father.
Michael: As you know, you must be sworn. Many come claiming, yet there is only One who Is, Was and Will Be. Do you testify that this is you, before the Holy Court, and in the Name of God, to swear by He who lives forever and ever, with your very soul upon the line?
Michael extended the scroll out before Kairo Tensei, glaring him straight in the eyes. Yet, this was to peer into his mind and heart, as an angel was capable, and to see if there was a Lie in him. If anyone would be able to tell the Serpent, of which Michael was the one who dealt with, that Evil One, then he would be able to tell.
Michael: Know this; if this is not you and you are found to be a Lie before the Lord God, of whom I will take this to right away absolutely immediately, and your testimony found false, you will fall from grace and never return. You will become scorned by both Man and Angel, and the Face will be hidden from you forevermore. You will be cast straight into Hell, where only the Demons will accept you, and none will look upon you with the Light anymore.
Michael was firm in his voice and in his demeanor, for he was The Archangel of Archangels, and was the true Leader.
Michael: Do You Swear? Take thy right hand and rest it upon the scroll and swear, if this is Truth.
Kairo Tensei, knowing all that had led him here, and trusting faithfully in everything and the One who had brought him this far, would not hesitate to take his Right Hand and place it upon the scroll bearing the Oath. There was no fear in his heart of Judgment, and with that courage, he boldly gazed Michael in the eye with the same veracity and intensity, saying, "Yes." He was aware of the Text, and the Word, and knew that to say anything beyond that was unnecessary. However, even if it was unnecessary, he simply wanted to speak out of the depths of his own heart and soul. Hopefully, he would not be condemned for speaking out just a bit more. "I Do So Solemnly And Humbly Swear, By God, His Name, His Face, His Word, His Truth, His Love, His Mercy And All That He Is. And I Beg Thee With All The Fullness Of My Heart To Bring This To Him And Consult Him, If You Truly Need Divine Proof. By My Blood And By My Very Soul, By My Long Suffering And The Truth I Know For Absolute Certain, I Beg Thee, And Fully Offer Myself And All That I Am As Sacrifice." He clearly had nothing but faith in God, to have come so far, and be led this far, only by that Light, as nothing but a humble follower of the Lord. "HE would not lead me astray, Michael. And I know he won't lead you, either." He grasped Michael's hand holding the scroll with his Left Hand, as well, grasping it firmly, and suddenly overcome with emotion. His eyes watered. "I Trust You Will Take Care Of Everything, O Holy Archangel. O Holy Brother." As much as the Angels were servants, they were also Family. Family first, in fact, before servants. And that was something that Kairo Tensei held fast to in his heart.
Michael nodded his head, confirming all that was attested to. From there, he and everyone else would wait for a sign from God, the Highest, before continuing on. No one would move until it was made clear.
Kairo Tensei waited patiently as well. He had more than enough Faith in God to stand here before the Holy Court, dead center, on trial, red handed, and to be vouched for. He knew his relation with his Father. That was all he needed. No matter what anyone said. There was no fear in him; Only Faith. He would bow his head and close his eyes in prayer.
Test Him And His Truth By The Word.
The Angels knew exactly what to do after that. There was nothing else that needed to be said to them, for they knew the Word and where it was Written, in all its Forms and on all Accounts.
Michael: Open The Scroll.
When Kairo Tensei would open the scroll of the Oath, that is when they would begin. By the Ark of the Covenant, and by the Word of God, they would test him, as commanded, to see his Truth. If he was truly blessed, then he would pass, by God's own approval, no matter what was put against him. And if something was done unfairly, then by God, would the Angels be punished. All of this would be by God and none other. No one had power over anything nor anyone here except for Him. If Kairo Tensei were truly who he says, then he would not only be guided, as a Lamb, but also be Faithful and True, as both a Servant and as a Holy One. There would be no unrighteousness in him and all is favor would be founded upon the God that they all knew and served. He would be a servant, as any other would, and by the Oath, he would not break the Covenant.
"Of course," he responded, still in prayer. "Starting with the First Seal." He would not exit from his prayer all throughout the time, for he would only allow God, himself, to guide him, and would not break from this for any reason. Only God could do this, and that is why he would, like Michael, give this to God. He was but a Lamb that was being led by a Shepherd; The Shepherd, in fact. And there should be no other. "Alpha And Omega," he said, "Beginning And End, First And Last, Genesis And Revelation." The reason for 'Genesis' and 'Revelation' was for the Creation and the Uncovering of the Creator, also before the eyes of He, Himself, as it happens.
The First Seal - Revelation 6:1 I Watched As The Lamb Opened The First Of The Seven Seals. Then I Heard One Of The Four Living Creatures Say In A Voice Like Thunder, "Come!"
That Which Unlocks The First Heaven, And All Firsts To Come That Are Associated. Also The First Face Of The Cherubim; The Face Of The Lion.
The First Heaven; Vilon - Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God Created The Heavens And The Earth.
God, The Creator, In Heaven, Looks Upon The Earth, The Creation, In Conceptual Form, As It Is Formless, And Begins To Shape It, As He Sees Fit, From Above.
The First Eye - Genesis 1:2 Now The Earth Was Formless And Empty, Darkness Was Over The Surface Of The Deep, And The Spirit Of God Was Hovering Over The Waters.
The First Spirit Of God. The First Eye. The First Sight Of God. The First Person View Of God From The First Heaven. Viewing And Creation Of The First Chakra. Root Chakra; Muladhara, Of The Earth. That Which Sees The Earth In Its Formlessness From The First Heaven And Begins To Shape It.
The First Horn - Genesis 1:3 And God Said, "Let There Be Light," And There Was Light.
The First Golden Lampstand Harboring The First Spirit. The First Light. It Is The First Light Of God, And The Light That Is Seen When The Earth Is Illuminated Before His First Person View In Heaven.
The First Church - Genesis 1:4 God Saw That The Light Was Good, And He Separated The Light From The Darkness.
Ephesus, Harboring The First Angel, Which Is Called From The First Spirit To Rest Upon The First Lampstand And Light The Lamp, As Well As To Keep The Light Holy And Contained, Separating It From Darkness And Keeping It Good Within The Church, The Holy Temple. The Holy Temple Is The First Head.
The First Angel - Genesis 1:5 God Called The Light 'Day,' And The Darkness He Called 'Night.' And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning -- The First Day.
The First Living One; Gabriel, Known Also As The White Horseman, Pestilence, Whose Light Is Conquest. Harboring The Tree Of Life, Which Starts At The Earth; Malkuth. The Beginning Of The Tree Of Life Is The Beginning Of The First Day, Which Starts The Growth Of The Tree Of Life At The Seed, And Has It Grow With The Light Of God.
The First Trumpet - Revelation 8:7 The First Angel Sounded His Trumpet, And There Came Hail And Fire Mixed With Blood, And It Was Hurled Down On The Earth. A Third Of The Earth Was Burned Up, A Third Of The Trees Were Burned Up, And All The Green Grass Was Burned Up.
The Voice Of The First Angel, Which Calls Down Hail And Fire Mixed With Blood, Which Is The Blood Of The Lamb And The Fire From God From Above About His Lineage. The Hail Is Also The Hailing Of The Angels, And Also The Striking Of The Earth For Disgracing The Blood. The Earth And Trees And Grass That Are Burned Are Those Who Have Seeds Of Wickedness In Their Hearts, Which Have Grown Into Trees Of Wickedness, And Have Tainted The Earth And The Soil Around Them, Which Are Their Fellow Man, The Minds, Hearts And Environment Of Their Fellow Man And Their Shared Earth For Desecrating It.
The First Plague - Revelation 16:2 The First Angel Went And Poured Out His Bowl On The Land, And Ugly, Festering Sores Broke Out On The People Who Had The Mark Of The Beast And Worshiped Its Image.
The First Bowl Of God's Wrath, Which Strikes Those Who Are Afflicted By The Mark Of The Beast With Ugly, Festering Sores From The Hail And Fire Mixed With Blood, To Strike Them Down For Striking The Lamb And Spilling His Blood. These Festering Sores Are Marks Of Shame, Blemishes Upon Them So That They Know That They Are Not Spotless, And It Is Because Of Their Actions As Beasts. This Is To Teach Them To Be Humble, Like A Lamb, So That Their Blemishes Are Cleaned And Covered From Exposure To Their Nakedness, As Beasts.
Gabriel: Holy.
This was all he, the First Living Creature, would say, as he reviewed what was said, looking upon his own text and reviewing his own ancient knowledge. He would then look up to the heavens and call for his White Horse, so that he may set out to Conquer, as it was written.
Gabriel: Come!
At his command, Gabriel's form would rise from the land, molding itself into that of a great beast. On its back were the many wings of an angel, yet it stood upright, like a man, and rested on the back of a White Horse, gazing down at the one holding the scroll. Every eye would behold Gabriel in his majesty, and each of Gabriel's Angels would rise up with him, ready to Conquer and riding upon White Horses given them by the transformation of the great Living One. He bowed his head in honor, as would his fellow angels behind him, as he would wait patiently for a command.
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