It was another usual day for Snow: visiting the nearby magical forest early in the morning in search of herbs to brew delicious meals with, even though her need for food had long been lost. As she walked the path carved into the snow, her blue, cotton scarf fluttered around her neck. Her black, leather boots made no sound as she made her way through the forest.
She noticed a single small, blue flower, matching her scarf's color, sitting under a tree. A gentle blush colored her usually pale and transparent cheeks and her lips curled into a smile. She softly approached the little flower and dug her hands into the dirt beneath the flower, then she lifted the pile of dirt with the flower on top. She carried the little flower back to her cozy cabin at the foot of the snowy mountain with a cheerful smile.
Once Snow entered her wooden cabin, she quickly picked a fancy pot for her newly found flower and carefully placed the flower inside. She stepped back and stared at the flower contently.
[Snow: "Looking good."]
Snow quickly remembered what she had gone to the forest for: herbs.
[Snow: "I wandered off again... I'll just go back."]
Snow said while pouting adorably.
Once again, Snow had gone off to the forest. She quickly reached the same place she was before, but now, instead of a little flower sitting under a tree, there were the remains of an avalanche. However, she didn't think much of it since in these snowy mountains, avalanches were not uncommon. She lifted her hand, palm towards the big mountains of snow, and without a word, she blew away all of the snow. Her cheery expression from before quickly faded away as she noticed a frozen body lying under the layers of snow.
Snow quickly hurried over to the body, and she kneeled next to it. She brushed away the remaining snow from the body and noticed that it was a boy whose age was around her physical appearance, around 19, even though she's over hundreds of years old.
[Snow: "Hey.. wake up.. please..."]
Snow was practically begging the boy to wake up. After a few seconds, she realized that the boy was no longer alive.
[Snow: "I guess there's no point in trying to save him now."]
Snow sat down on the snow-covered ground beside the body and waited. She waited for the soul to depart from the body.
Soon enough, the boy's fluorescent soul left his body, and he looked around confusedly.
[Snow: "Hey, hey!"]
The boy stared at Snow in disbelief, however, he wasn't scared.
[The boy: "Hey?"]
[Snow: "You're a spirit now, kind of. Congratulations!"]
[The boy: "A spirit?"]
[Snow: "Yes! A spirit."]
[The boy: "Did I die?"]
[Snow: "You sure did."]
The boy's expression suddenly turned sour and his face went pale, if that's even possible in his case. He turned to look down and saw his own dead body. He furrowed his brows and immediately got nauseous. He started clutching at his mouth while he was gagging.
[Snow: "You okay there?"]
Snow comfortingly put her hand on the boy's back. He looked up at Snow with eyes brimming with tears. In her hundreds of years of leading souls to the afterlife, Snow has never seen anyone so terrified.
[The boy: "Yeah, it's just-"]
The boy's sentence was cut off by another loud gag.
[Snow: "You don't have to say it, I understand."]
To be continued...
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