Yawn!!!!!! I’m so tired. Knock!! Knock!! Ghost wolf! Ghost wolf!
I'm coming in (door open) master get up you have a meeting with the other gods of Sinon. Five more minutes Ceri. no if i give you five minutes you still won’t wake up so get up we are already late. Now get up and get ready quickly. Ok ok i summon a pair of clothes, a simple black hoodie and black pants. Are you ready yet? Asked Ceri i open the door yeah i am pulling out my mirror sunglasses ok lets go. Finally, how long do you need to get ready and why do you always leave me to wake you up. I never asked you to do it so I never left it to you. Yeah I only do cuz you won’t get up if I don't. You know just because you're the god of wind doesn't mean you have to blow down the little self esteem i have left there are other things you blow. (slap!) damn you bitch you didn’t have to hit me that hard. What's it like every time you see me! You perv! For the last time Ceri i am not a perv i'm a teaser. I tease people. Yeah pervy teasing still makes you a perv! Yelled Ceri yeah yeah whatever Ceri we get to the meeting hall i open the door that interrupted the conversation of the other gods. What's up! i shout out Ghost wolf your 3 hours late just because you are Sinon favorite doesn’t mean you can skip you godly duties. Dude, chill there is nothing important that i missed. Yes there is the light god is starting to gather his army to fight us. Then why are you telling us? You're on the side of Shinon, the same side of the light god. Well that's because I don't agree with him. bull shit! yelled Selicer the god of fire. You were put in charge of watching us by your boss Shinon before they disappeared. You do anything to get away from the job of watching over the children of all BAD. Well, I respect the duty that I have been given if you believe me or not doesn’t concern me. I have a duty to protect so we need you guys to pick a champion you 5 will be the first to pick now please do so. Well looks like i’ll go first i pick this girl with 2 different colored eyes she looks interesting said joy she the god of joy she a little psychotic and choose to say in the form of a child despite being able to change from. And she likes riding her giant stuffed bunny that only she can control. which is unfair to us others like why can’t you just walk like the others. Ok then it’s my turn. My dwarven brothers need more help carrying the rock and precious metals to the forge so i'll pick the forgemaster's son Said Broock the dwarven god of earth/rock. I'll pick the granddaughter of my friend Val. She brings me home baked cookies every day. Said Ceri. and Selicer i pick the secondant in line for the throne of flame king of wolven. Ok and I picked the young boy of a knight's family from Entenntix. Said Aluuvin the god of creating, that old geezer can’t let me be laid back. He is always about this duty that it’s so annoying! Not to mention he looks like a want to be Saruman from Lord of the rings. And finally Ghost wolf yeah i pick the shadow prince of wolven. Ghost wolf why would you pick him. You know why. Fine, I'll allow it. Good in a few years I'll be able to see him.
Meanwhile in the mortal realm:
A battle between the kingdom of Wolven and the human kingdom of Hogation. The 5 Wolven kings, they are werewolf descendants of a special beast which has special power. Like the flame king is a werewolf descendant of Garmr a hellhound and the shadow king is a descendant of Skoll the mythical wolf that strikes fear into the sun eventually devouring it. But more on that later. Wolven was on its last leg about to be devoured by the human kingdom that always hated other racists. The shadow king sent his daughter and grandson away to the allies kingdom of ententnix where they would stay for sixteen years. Then the shadow king ordered a retreat and that he would finish this he walked to the enemy army as his comrades exapted when everyone was gone far enough he used his most powerful magic the Iranian bubble pop that lets him sacrifice himself to kill everyone of the enemies that he could in a giant explosion. That day Wolven won and the humans haven’t come back scents. With that the shadow king's brother jack took up the toll of shadow king until the true king could return to wolven to claim the throne.
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