*trigger warning*
*Violence and bad language are VERY persistent in this story*
“Aria come play with your sister she loves and misses you so,” Mother tells me as she pats my head with her left hand and with her right she holds my sister's hand, all while we stand in a flower field full of daisies, tulips, and my favorite the Daffodil.
“Yeah sissy I want to make flower crowns with you, pleeeeaaasssee It’s our birthday this can be a gift from you to me.” My sister says with pure excitement and unwillingness to wait another second.
“There is no need for you to pled so much silly, I will play with you so let's go,” I say as I reach out my hand to help lead my sister forward.
these are the words that used to flow through my lips so easily, it's crazy how much can change through the passage of time.
My mother looks at me with love and pride-filled in her eyes, “make sure to be careful with your sister aria, if her condition worsens come knock on the door, however, don’t come inside unless I say so alright? Love you both, have fun!” she said with the most beautiful smile; I sincerely wish I didn't take that for granted.
we then exchanged kisses first on the forehead and then on the front of the wrist; mother then walks inside. I look at the window in which my dad's office is, and I saw him, he looked my way smiled, and waved mouthing the words “I love you both.” I smile and tell my sister what my father had said out of pure delight, thinking a grand party would be thrown for us like all of the past birthdays me and my sister shared. Looking at her slowly grabbing each flower and feeling the petals with a big smile on her face, oh how lovely my sister is.
I look away from my sister towards the flow of the river, I see a fish. I blink for just a second and Then suddenly there's blood and the screams of my mother.
My sister pleading for help towards me; my mother saying her final words to me “I love you so very much. please never cry alone. But most importantly be happy.” through each word all I could hear was the pain in her voice; the very same voice that was once euphoric is now gruff.
" Mother- mama I- I can't, you'll be fine mama I- I'll get you-" i say with my voice full of sorrow and naivety.
"No, Ari you have to promise me that. Promise me right now my love. Please...." Saying these words and hearing her get weaker with each one; I knew.
"mama I- I promise alright, I'll even take care of sissy to please... please be alright."
"thank you Ari I love y-" The hand that I was holding weakly upon my face was icy, and slowly slipping off my cheek. upon catching it I feel it slowly get colder. As a tear fell from my mother's face, a tear fell down mine.
"I love you too mama."
I ran with my sister in my arms, the same arms that were no bigger than a twig. running tying pushing myself so hard almost to the point of death. However, the darkness caught up and engulfed me. I look in my arms trying so desperately to see if she was still there but alias she was gone, away from my grasp. I lost her once more, oh how weak and useless I am.
I feel a shiver going up and down my spine; I try with all my strength to hold back the tears that wail up in my eyes. I look up and there's my father glaring and looking down at me as if I was nothing more than a mere bug. vastly different from the look he had just given me what seems to be just a few moments ago. He grabs my throat with his hands that are ruff and cut up and chokes me, creating the feeling that my throat will snap. I struggle to get out of his grasp but I am still too weak. too powerless, as if I were nothing. I then blackout.
I slowly open my eyes as I am still struggling to breathe "gling, clack" I know this sound all too well. The sounds of chains holding me back from saving my mother, my sister, and my heart. I am now in chains once more.
The sun suddenly hits my eyes as they slowly open upon the world once more. Realizing that I was dreaming of the past, I raise my hand above my face to see if I truly am alive. I look around at the trees, grass, flowers, and even vines all around me. As if I were in some kind of forest. the goddess must have protected me, she did a beautiful job, as always.
“Ah, it seems I was asleep for a while this time,” I mumble to myself as I realize the life that I was once living is now gone once more, and that the dream I had just mere moments ago, were more than that. A simple dream. my father. he's close. I must go and now my eyes had opened once more.
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