"Hi Mr. Valter"
The vampire turned his attention away from the book he had been reading, adjusting the gold-rimmed glasses perched on his hooked nose. "Hello to you too, Miss Stein. What brings you here?"
The frequent visitor placed the hardcover books she was holding on the desk. "I've finished these. Came for more", she said, briskly walking into the Library.
Valter picked up the books and followed behind her. "Anatomia Syreni? Someone's been very interested in selkies", the bookkeeper remarked, placing the books in their places. He looked over at the girl, rummaging the shelves and shuffling around, her curious eyes in a squint, searching. He should have known better from the countless days she had been here. When Agatha Stein was immersed in something, there was nothing that could pull her away. And every time she visited, she was reminded to not visit the Library at odd hours. Valter had given up on that futile habit long ago. He smiled to himself. It's not like he didn't enjoy her silent company during the late hours of night. "I know a selkie"
Her eyes lit up at his words.
Selkies are not that common around here. Being a vampire older than half a millennium certainly has its benefits. Valter had spent most of his days travelling around the world for his work before retiring as the guardian of knowledge at the Inter-Dimensional University of Magic and Science. As a man who prioritized having good relations with all, he had a lot of interesting acquaintances to speak of.
"An old friend," he continued. "I met them at my time on the Northern isles. A truly beautiful being. If you wish, I can arrange a meeting of some sort."
"I would love that", she said. Valter could see that she was extremely thrilled. It has always been too easy to read her.
"Very well," he stows the last of the books away. "I suppose I should let you carry on" Valter nodded at her and walked back to his desk. "Call for me if you need anything"
He pulled out a tiny book from inside his tweed coat, along with a pen. "Call Achante". He jotted it down below a few other things the middle-aged vampire had inscribed to be reminded off, later. Valter leaned back in his chair rubbing his eyes. It's been a very long time. He had never even dreamt of living so peacefully during his days of struggle. Awful days he didn't mind all that much back then. It was always better when you had a special someone beside you facing the same. It's about time he mended things with Achante. After all it was neither of their faults that they both wanted different endings.
He soon found himself basking in the memories of their rebellious endeavors. His heart aching to visit an old lover. Perhaps, they'll be able to have a pleasant conversation over tea.
A different pain interrupted his thoughts. An almost prickling sensation like a needle being pulled through his chest from the other side. Valter didn't get the opportunity to think. It all happened in a matter of mere seconds. The last image he saw was Agatha approaching him before the rest of his consciousness ebbed away.
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The grey, soft apprehension loomed over and he could feel the strings of ether tightening around his throat. He woke up with a start, his chest clenching tighter. The dreaded, familiar sensation was back. It had been a long time since he last had this feeling. Being a novice in his 'family trade', he could've only felt it if he were too close or the source was too strong. And judging by the tantalizing sensation begging him to move closer, Levi guessed it was the latter. He couldn't fall back to his bed after that.
He looked at the stone clock hanging on the other side of the room. It was 4 past midnight. Too early to wake up. Not to mention he had an early class tonight. He got out of bed and stretched all six of his limbs. Since he was awake, he might as well finish get some work done. His assignment was due in three days. Nothing wrong with finishing it early. Of course, after he found the cause of this discomfort.
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"Mr. Valter, I'm leaving for today", Agatha said from behind one of the shelves. She walked over to the front desk upon receiving a silent response. "Sir?"
No answer.
Agatha snaps on the blue latex gloves over her pale hands. Her little iron box with her equipment, sat on the desk as she tried to determine the fate of Valter Vaudurey. This was a truly strange occurrence. She's never got her hands on Vampire Cadaver owing to the fact that the blood-thirsty creatures leave nothing behind. They just turn to ash and fade away with the wind the moment they die. He didn't look quite alive either.
Strange indeed.
Agatha's eyes sparkled at the prospect of the mysterious anomaly. She pulled out the thin body bag from inside the box and got to work. Unbeknownst to her, the culprit was close by watching her every move.
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