The fallen empire was an empire that was built from blood, corruption, and enemies which fit the name ‘fallen’. Harrison Adelbert de la vance and Callisto Henry de la vance the princes of the fallen empire, sons of the emperor Vincent Leonard de la vance and the empress Kasia stella de la vance. Harrison was 6, Callisto was 7 years old and 5 year old Beatrice Diane Monique daughter of Duke Rubert John Monique who ruled the Monique Duke-dom and The one in charge of the once corrupted holy land. Vincent and Rubert were close friends, as Rubert was the first person to give a hand to Vincent when they were younger. The Monique house was said to be a descendant of angels that came to earth and saved the world from miasma. But they decided on the marriage not because of their years-long friendship it was to strengthen the relationship of the holy land and the empire's relationship. Harrison did not like the fact he had to have a political marriage, but he wanted the title Emperor. For Callisto was frail and sickly so that's why Vincent chose Harrison as crown prince. On their 10 birthday Harrison and Callisto got their middle name, which they call their holy names from the temple by using the holy temple mana stone, a stone which is supposably a mana stone made out of god's pure divine magic which was left by the angels that had to go up to heaven, though one of them stayed the archangel monique which is how the monique dukal household was formed, The mana stone was said to be used as a communicator to heaven and is a stone that releases pure holy water used for healing. Harrisons name ‘Adelbert’ meant noble and bright or noble and shining. Callistos ‘Henry’ name meant power or ruler. Vincent hesitated on who the emperor should be, the frail but with the holy name of a ruler, or the healthy but with a name for courage but only display. Thus in the end he made a decision and chose that both princes shall have equal rights of succession to the throne but time will tell who the next emperor is.
The four most corrupted lands of the Eudaria continent, a hero arose and established the Fallen empire. But once again the Fallen empire falls in the hands of corruption by the hero’s youngest son and current emperor. Lucius is a boy that is later introduced to society and plans to take vengeance on the emperor who has done him, and the people of the empire wrong.
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