In the year 2057, a vigilante named Enigma gave his life after a successful assault on the corrupted Muncler's Empire. The CEO and descendant of the once believed to be the great Charle's Muncler, Bart Muncler and his grandfather, Doug Muncler have been arrested and sent on death's row. As for the citizens, they wish to honour the hero that gave them their freedom but they were unable as Enigma wishes for them to forget who he was and live their lives with freedom and integrity. Decades have passed and some stayed true to what they were told while others refused and honoured the man as if he was a god. What they do not know is that Enigma never died, well… not in the way that they believed he died.
"The day is our enemy, the night is our foe, and those who know us will show no woe."
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