By the sounds of Soras' parents arguing, she woke up. Her parents could be arguing over cold food or spending too much in the store, but they were arguing over Sora this time. Sora hated her parents arguing over anything, but what kid liked it?
She got up out of bed and walked over to the door. Sora placed her hand on the handle, ready to quietly close it when she heard them speak of something she hated the most: change.
"Sora and l will move back in with my parents in Japan!" Soras' mother, Cho, yelled. "Where it is safe!"
Sora leaned up against the wall, peaking down the hallway. She could see the silhouettes of her parents, pointing and flailing their arms.
"You mean to make Sora live in a crappy house, thinking it will be safe for her?! I will take her to a better house than you, and only you could imagine!" Soras' father, Mike, yelled louder than Cho.
Sora lived in America with her American father and her Japanese mother. Her mother always loved the name Sora, and her father always loved the outdoors, so it was a win-win since Sora meant sky. Back to the drama.
"You want to take my child into a house that will most likely be broken into?!" Cho screamed. You could hear the tone in her voice that showed Mike had crossed the line. "I can't stand you sometimes!"
It wasn't always like this. Most of the time, before this started, Cho and Mike would either hold hands or do stuff that involved them being together. If they weren't doing that, they would think about it.
Sora started to think about times when they weren't fighting. This made her tone out her parents arguing. She snapped back to reality seconds later when Cho began to storm down the hall. Sora raced to her bed and acted like she had been asleep the entire argument. She faced the wall in case she smiled or anything that would give away her fake sleep.
Cho quietly opened the door, revealing a light. This showed Sora that Cho was entering the room. Sora closed her eyes and acted to be asleep. Sora could feel Chos' presence right behind her as she tried not to move too much.
Seconds went by, and Sora could no longer feel Chos' presence right behind her. She opened her eyes and noticed that Cho was leaving the room. She closed the door and left Sora alone in the darkness.
Sora woke up again to the brightness that the morning had made.
Wait, what day is it again? Sora asked herself. A couple of seconds go by, and Sora answers her question: Sunday!
She hops out of bed, happy that the arguing had stopped but a little disappointed that she had to go to school tomorrow. Sora walks over to her wardrobe and gets dressed in a maroon shirt with one giant, entirely black butterfly in the middle of her shirt. The butterfly looked like it was smudged on one side and melting off the shirt, but that was just the design. Soras' pants were also maroon but with two black stripes on the left side of her pants.
Sora loved this outfit because of the story she's reading where one of the characters is a black and red panther. Sora loves that character.
She stretches then begins to walk out of her room, expecting her parents to tell her that they're moving to a new home or just the usual breakfast then some news about moving. Sora was expecting information about moving to a new home.
She walked down the hall, beyond the kitchen, into the dining room, and sat down at her seat.
Instead of waiting for her food like the usual routine, the food was already at her seat, and by the looks of it, the breakfast was still steaming. Of course, it's still steaming; it was cooked!
Sora didn't hesitate; she dug in. Sora was starving enough to polish off all the food on her plate.
When she was finished, a knock on the door was heard.
Sora began to get up to answer the door, but Cho stopped her and said, "I'll get it."
Sora still got up to peek at who was at the door.
"I'm glad you came in such short notice," Cho said, moving out of the way for the person at the door to walk in.
The person walked in, still looking at Cho, as she closed the door behind him.
This man had a suit on looked like he was rich. Sora thought she knew him, but she couldn't put her finger on it.
"I don't know what to do anymore! Can you help?" Cho asked, putting her hands together and practically begging this man.
Now, I'm not dirty-minded, but I think mom wants to... Sora thought, not wanting to end that theory.
"I'll try to help the best way I can," The man says, beginning to walk over to the couch.
"Oh, thank you, Hiro, you're a lifesaver!" Cho said, walking over to the couch with him.
Good, I was wrong! Mom told me about Uncle Hiro sometimes, but I never really got to see him. Wait, that's my Uncle?! Sora thought.
Hiro sat down on the couch with Cho and made eye contact with Sora. A heartbeat later and Sora ran off into her room. She still kept the door open so she could listen to the conversation.
Cho told Hiro about what happened last night. When Cho finished up the summary of last night, Hiro only had one solution: that he would take Sora back where he lived.
There is a world where humans can shapeshift into animals, but you must have a pet to shift into an animal. One girl, named Sora, struggles to learn how and why people can Shift into animals. In the process, Sora finds a weeping willow tree where new Shifters come to either find a pet or learn if they can Shift. Instead of Sora finding a pet, she Shifts into a blue jay and gets lost in the forest. Follow Sora while she finds her way home without getting killed.
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