To say Papyrus remembers the RESETs would not be a complete truth. He only remembered bits and pieces, mainly of his his brother’s dusty scarf and his own death. He remembered seeing the deaths of a few other monsters but just barely. All he knew was that no matter what he did his brother always died. Papyrus didn’t know when he started drinking so heavily, but he noticed how he didn’t usually remember the previous half of the day most of the time. This was one of those times, except it was a little different. His room was clean and his bed was tucked neatly around him.
Odd, it must have been Sans. Papyrus thought. Sans, even though he was older, was oblivious to the evil inside of people and was unaware to the RESETs. Sans was so innocent and pure that Papyrus felt bad for being such a burden on him. Papyrus duly checked himself and noticed that his HoPe was dropping at a slow, yet steady pace. Papyrus reached into a special pocket in his mattress and pulled out a bottle of alcoholic honey. He also reached into the desk nearby and pulled out a pen and paper. He knew he was falling but knew the human was going to RESET anyway, and nobody was going to remember that he died. It was for the best he supposed. He wrote what he felt needed to be said while taking sips of his honey. He slowly felt his body disperse into dust into an eerily familiar way. He hoped that Sans would be alright without him, because he just couldn’t go on anymore.
“Papyrus! Dinner’s ready! Time to come down!” Sans called. It was the fifth time he had called and typically he would get a response by the third try. He climbed up the stairs with a speed that spoke his worry. Sans took a deep breath and opened the door. His eyes went wide as his eyes fell upon the pile of dust and the hoody. Sans shakily approached the mattress. This had never happened in previous runs. He duly noted the bottle of honey and picked up the paper with honey splotches on it.
Dear Sans,
You are too pure for this world and I am sorry about this but I can’t take it anymore. Dying, finding you dead, watching others die. I can’t take this anymore. I’m sorry for being a pathetic bum. But it doesn’t matter. It will all RESET anyway and you’ll forget this ever happened. I fell. Because I’m not strong enough to protect you or anybody else.
Love, Papyrus
Sans stared, dumbfounded. He knew that Papyrus had nightmares but he didn’t think that he actually remembered any of the RESETs. Sans’ legs gave out from under him and he fell to the ground. Tears fell more freely from his eyes than they had for a long time. Sans took Papyrus’ hoody and held it close, breathing in Papyrus’ scent. Then gently placed it back, exiting the room. Closing the door with a finality that only he knew. Sans then walked into his room. Papyrus didn’t, hadn’t, known it, but Sans loved Grillby’s Hardcore Whiskey.
His alcohol tolerance was high enough that he could chug a whole one like water. His max before getting drunk was five on a normal day. Only Grillby knew this and provided him with it when he asked and it was more of a comfort than tacos could ever be. Sans wouldn't call himself an alcoholic but Grillby often teased him that he was. He had a small store in his closet, and he was digging into it now. Sans pulled out 7 bottles, then not finding anymore, got out and looked at the unopened bottles. It wasn’t enough. Sans teleported to just outside of Grillby’s, another ability Papyrus didn’t know...had known… anything about. He walked in, not a soul was around but Grillby, who walked up to Sans.
“You usually come late at night not mid-afternoon, what’s wrong?” Sans let out a small chuckle, Grillby always knew when something was up.
“I just ran out of my supply that’s all.” Sans replied with a tight smile.
“Want to talk?” Grillby offered.
“No, not really.” Sans shrugged and Grillby raised an eyebrow.
“Well then, do you mind keeping me company?”
“Not at all.” Sans sat in his usual spot under the table Grillby usually sold his goods on, it had a table cloth on it so nobody could see him, and he was handed a bottle. Sans drank it in small swings, wanting to savor the burn of the alcohol.
Sans remained there until dusk fell, or about when dusk would be. When he would finish a bottle, Grillby would hand him another. Sans went through about 8 bottles but, as Grillby noted as he went to grab a couple crates of whiskey, Sans didn’t seem drunk. Grillby soon came out with two crates stacked on top of each other. It teetered a bit but Sans picked it up with his levitation magic.
“Thanks, Grillby.” Sans stated. His eyelights were there but they seemed strangely empty to Grillby.
“Be careful getting home!” Grillby called as Sans exited the area.
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