The boulder chariot rolls fast through the tall tree canopy, and behind them a gigantic shadow inches closer.
The cart is as weird and unique as our heroes, it's a huge boulder that is being pushed by our human sized beetle. Of course he's not rolling it like a dung beetle, he uses a pair of branch handles that scoop the giant boulder from the top, like a spoon on top of a ball.
And on top of the boulder chariot, rides our frightened damsel, her thick white hair flies around as she holds onto the makeshift seat. Her cute pale face is marked by a worried expression and a long beetle like horn poking out from her forehead.
Both are looking worryingly, as through the thin mist behind them, they see a giant shadow closing in.
" Bububububuuuuurt! " she says while bouncing on the cart as it speeds across the obstacle filled plain-
Bam! - the cart jolts up as they hit some stones in the path.
" Aieeee! How do you know where you are going!" She says while looking over her shoulder to see where the boulder is being headed as they both move backwards on this chariot going in reverse.
"Bamkpt! - "Aieeee!" She screams as they hit another bump.
She holds on tight as she sees another obstacle coming their way.
" Left! left!" She screams
Bammphkt! - they hit another bump
"Oh I forget you dont speak my language!" she says disappointed. Then, she swiftly breaks a stick from the branch made seat and starts banging it on the cart's left handle "Left!" - tak tak tak! - "leeeeeft!" She yells and the cart suddenly swooshesto the left barely missing a big rock.
"Right!" -Taktak tak! - "Riiiight!! " she screams while hitting the right handle.
Its working, they are moving faster now but the gigantic creature is approaching.
"Oh reallyyy?!!" she yells looking at a cliff coming up fast.
" Stop! stop! STOOOP!" She throws the stick at the beetle hitting him in the head - Bonk! -
A streak of dust lifts as the beetle slides to a stop, his four hands catch a stick falling from above. It wonders what's up with this stick and looks behind its back and realizes it let go of the chariot.
As in slow motion, the chariot is already rolling over the cliff, slightly pausing mid air ready to fall.
With a tear on her eye and a look of disdain, the girl holds onto the chariot as it plunges for a gigantic fall
"You son of AaaiiieeeEeeeee!!!"
The beetle looks down from the edge as the girl and the chariot fall. It's a very tall cliff.
Then, a big shadow covers the cliff. The beetle turns around and looks up to find a towering dark mist with eyes looking unto him.
Jumping like a flea, the beetle flicks itself over the cliff, falling motionless like a soldier toy.
" Aieeeeee!! " the girl screams, holding onto the falling cart, with the wind madly sweeping her hair
" Aaaaahhhggh!! … cough! Cough! Ugh! I think I ate a bug " she says disgusted, then inhales deeply and starts screaming again "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! "
Suddenly, the falling chariot jerks with a loud thud and slows down its fall. The girl looks up and sees that the beetle has grabbed onto the chariot handles and opened its wings looking like a small parachute, breaking the fast fall.
" By Lilienthal you can fly!! " The girl screams surprised, but turns back down to see they are approaching fast to what it looks like a dense forest made of very tall bamboo.
" Or you are falling with syle, watch out!! " She screams as they start aproaching the tallest branches pointing at them like spears. The chariot's ball gets stabbed and ripped away from the cart.
They continue breaking through the thick canopy, still holding to the spoon like remainings of the cart.
" Burty!! " She screams when a single pole hits the beetle in the stomach and starts bending, like a catapult, slowing the fall
"Burty dont let go!"
Shwooooosh!- The beetle can't hold on longer and its launched towards the heavens, the firl starts falling again. Everything is breaking and cracking as it approaches the ground…
The cart gets stuck on another branch, and our cute hero falls by herself, and sees the ground approaching.
"Wait!' She exclaims and remembers "Cats always land on their feet!"
In her mind she sees a funny four step animation of a cat falling, turning its head towards the ground, flipping its legs around and finally walking unscathed.
"I got this!" She says, and turns her head seeing through the fast passing branches, she will reach the ground in seconds. She opens her arms and twists with a big grin on her face "I got this!" she yells again getting into a pounce position ready for the final impact.
" Whoaaaggggghhhfffffff!!! " a whimper of pain and deception
She is hanging, a branch caught her underwear and stopped her with an atomic wedgie just before hitting the ground.
" I swear Imma get ya" She says while slowly waving a clutched fist.
The branch breaks and she hits the ground with a dry thud
Courage drives us to explore what awaits out there and who we are inside, to face our questions and our need for wonder.
Who awakes in an unknown world and starts exploring to find out where and who she is.
There are creatures, secrets, mysteries and the search for Who’s in charge in here?
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