First, I swear I created this space by request. I did not just wake up one day thinking that I was fascinating.
Part of the inspiration for this space was my belated discovery that premium novels don't have illustrations, so I needed a place to share Free Radical related artwork. Then I realized that I could centralize a lot of artwork and tidy up other books so that the read is a little more smooth and interruption-free. And I could stop linking to random google docs when I want to share the inspiration for various characters' appearances/settings/etc.
Then I was told that sometimes people actually want MORE of the infodumping I do in author's notes while trying to explain the various weird references I make in chapters. I mean... I'm a huge nerd. What nerd can resist a request for more information about the things that fascinate them? That's nerd-nip.
So I did it. And now it's... a scrapbook? A blog? A gallery? Maybe even a place for side stories... like, the ones that don't accidentally turn into whole novels?
More than anything, this space exists to provide additional content that readers want to see, so if you have something in mind, just let me know in the comments (or via DM or on the Discord or via email, which is my author name, all one word,
The Wokemegaverse keeps growing, and some readers have asked for a central location for series-related artwork, information, and general nerdery.
This space will contain the deepest of deep cuts:
• Information about how the Wokemegaverse... works.
• Retired cover artwork
• Series artwork
• Expanded notes about weird references I make in the Wokemegaverse novels
• Series-related news
• Q&As
• Calls for Beta readers
If there's content that you would LIKE to see in here, just ask!
So... if you just can't get enough of my nonsense, come on in, I guess!
Please note: rather than chronological organization, I'll group posts by TYPE of content-- artwork, expanded author's notes, etc.
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