The boy with onyx black bed hair turned to look towards Jenid‘s way. “Why don't you come play with us?” the boy asked. “Breaks gonna be over soon and, I don't feel like playing video games.” Jenid answered, as they still faced the screen. The young girl who sat beside the boy, sat her controller by the table where the tv was. The girl had dark pinkish hair styled in a braided pig tail and glasses,. She looked like an absolute gaming nerd but not as one supreme one like Anibal. Agenor stood up from the brown couch along with Anibal. “Ugh, I'm trying to just get this day over with, working on a Friday sucks major-” “Breaks over, come out” said a muscular, middle age looking man.
Jenid got startled a bit when the door swung open without them noticing. Jenid, juggling their phone until they finally caught it, hurried out of the room along with Agenor and Anibal. Jenid headed towards the front of the store cash register and got ready for any customers to come by. The cool breeze surrounded the employees like a cat trapped in a box. The store felt bright and alive. It appeared to look like a Weapons shop. Most people would go star gazing to see the amazing looks of the weapons, ranging from daggers to demon slaying equipment. Anibal started sweeping the area; Agenor organizing the shelves and,Jenid just chilled with their sides leaning towards on the brown, wooden table.
Jenid’s warm brown hands rested on the edge of the wooden table and, just shy of the register. “After work we should explore downtown of Mistenvale, heard there's alot of cool and weird stuff there” Anibal suggested as his frosted like hands rested on the broom. Jenid declined, “I'll have to pass, I have stuff to do after” “What stuff do you have to do that's more important than your little witch craft training,” Agenor asked in a sassy tone, but before he could be answer he was interrupted by a tidy, young, bald headed male in a black suit. The male wanderlust through the shop with a smirk on his lips and turned his head to look at Jenid as slowly walked his way. “Hi” his right hand quickly raised up and did a little wave.
“Umm, do you know the best weapon in here?” the man inquired, sliding his pale hands across the wooden table. Jenid raised his brow and awkwardly looked from Agenor to back at the male. “My apologies if I may have approached in an unsettling way” He said, while reaching for a handshake. “My names Vyctor Atropa, and your name miss?” Jenid took Vyctors hands and shook it “My name is Jenid Belladonna.” And the two finished shaking their hands as Agenor brought Jenid a green, gem powered, glowing sword. The green gem was stored inside ,and felt quite light in Jenid‘s hand. Vyctor looked quite amazed by the sword and the sharpness of the blade. “I appreciate the business fellas, it really means a lot.” “Are you going to pay for that creep?” Anibal barked. “I'll pay you” as soon as he turned his back, five men in red masks appeared in smoke and took aim at the shop workers. Bullets started flying. Agenor quickly covered Anibal with her energy bubble and Jenid halted time by kicking the table and the three made their escape. “Let them go, we'll see them again.”
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