Fists...Words both can be used for good and could change the world. But the world is this way because words and fists aren’t used for good. I am not some tree hugger but it would be great if my father wasn’t so bad with his words and fists. My name is Gale and I hate the world I am in, despite the good things like that hot guy that lives next door, rain dripping down your face as it hits your skin and rolls down the way it smells and tastes. Tears stream down my face I look up to the sky the canopy from the trees shielded me from the sun, wiping away the tears I stood from the rock I shook my head around and my hair flipped with my head. I walked on through the woods here away from my father and kids at school I could be me, not that emo gay kid they say I am. I look to my arms as a slight pinch filled them as I pushed back a bush, I gently pushed back my sleeves and saw blood going through the bandage on my left wrist. I sighed and kneeled down for a moment and slung my backpack from my back to in front of me, digging through it I changed the bandage and used an elastic bandage to keep it in place. I went deeper into the forest seeking my camp I often staying in when my father was home, after walking for a while I moved the rocks around a log and got my camouflage drape and walked to my den like- cave I had dug and laid the drape over the opening and looked to it adjusting it as needed until it gave the realistic effect I wanted. Going into the cave I set down my bag and looked in the brown tarp and threw it back exposing my gear, a machete, a bed, blankets, and some drawing stuff. I looked at the walls of the cave and walked to the corner my mirror in place I looked over my bruised face and gently touched it and winced and sighed. I looked in the mirror long and hard my dark brown hair and a mole under my right eye, I stared into my eyes the colors made me scoff I had always hated blue and green because of them. I turned away from the mirror as if it would solve any of my problems. I moved the things from my bed and laid down the mattress was from my older brother’s room but he had moved away long ago and let me have it. The blankets were big and heavy blocking out the cold and harsh air of the night, I gently pulled them on my legs as I set up my pillow and laid back grabbing a book and getting lost in a different world in hopes of leaving my harsh cold world. I watched as the main character took on everything and still had time to love the man of his dreams, I set the finished book aside and looked to the ceiling of my cave. “FUCK!!!” I sat up as the loud words made me jump, I slowly stood, “Damn Demon That Shit Hurts.” I went to the opening of the cave and peeked out to see a man holding his face two wolf ears came from under his cloak as it fell down. He had long hair on one side that touched his shoulder, the other side was far shorter not even to his jaw. He was on the ground and he scoffed and stood, shaking his hand as blood flung off his hand. He sniffed the air and turned to him a burn on his face had taken his right eye and a white fluid flowed from the eye socket. I ran to him after grabbing my first aid kit, he backed away and grabbed a knife from a strap on his right thigh. “Let me help you,” He didn’t let down his guard and pain filled his face as he stood strong, “Why were you hiding in there?” I stood straight “My family is abusive and I need to get away so I made this cave,” the man raised his head and turned it sniffing the air “Damn I can barely smell anything.” He turned back to me and the pain got to him as he groaned and stumbled and stood straight, “Are you a magic user?” I froze and looked to him confused. “Okay good,” He stumbled toward me and I went to his side as he staggered walking him into the cave and setting him on the bed and tending to his wounds. He passed out not long after and I did the best I could, I pulled on his ears and they were stuck to his head I pushed aside the hair and saw they were not glued or some headband. His cloak was long and black it was burned on the edges and his body reeked of smoke, I lifted the cloak to check for wounds and found his bare chest. Deep scars covered him I put the cloak back and sighed as I went back to reading not long later he woke coughing. I stood and leaned him up and patted his back he pushed me down and looked to me, I closed my eyes and was ready to be killed thinking of he needed tying up loose ends. The cold blade went to my throat, “Why do you not fight your death?” I opened my eyes his hair was in a loose ponytail to keep away from his wound as he stared into my eyes. The cold blade still to my neck “because I don’t value my life”. He pulled the knife back and sat down and let me sit up, “Don’t humans fear death? Why is your reaction to my form so calm?” I shrugged “my life is not normal compared to humans. And you haven’t given me any reasons to be scared of you.” He rubbed his head, sniffing the air he lifted his cloak and exposed his bare chest sniffing it I looked away my red gone red as this hot guy sat. His white was curly, his chest was fit, “human, is there something wrong?” he grabbed my head and turned it to him, looking at me as he turned it to his likely his hands were so big and he was far taller than me. He smelled my neck and a chill ran down my spine as my body got hot, “human are you alright?” he looked to me and I looked away “you are really close could you uh backup a little?” He looked to me confused and let go of my head I stood and backed up and saw his cloak was not on his chest stood in all its glory. “Do you need a shirt?” I said looking to my backpack a full outfit sitting in it having had kids tear my clothes before. “Is this considered nude for humans?” I froze and looked to him “normally no”. The man sighed and facepalmed “so what makes you so different from normal humans?” I looked at him and clenched my fist the sleeves of my hand clenched in my grasp, “I am a boy who doesn’t want to live, a boy with an abusive family member, a boy who likes other boys. A boy that doesn’t look like other boys or act like one.” The man looked to me hearing every word and holding onto it as if it would piece together a puzzle he had in his mind. “Humans,” he sighed and looked around the cave and went to the mirror looking to his bandages “your medical skills are good for a small.” He barely fit under the ceiling of the mud walls and ceiling, “so humans tell me about them what your training like?” I grabbed my backpack and pulled my phone being on the yearbook club I had taken several pictures of its halls and lockers and haunting walls. I showed them to the man and he seemed interested in it I pulled my books from my bag and showed off my knowledge of advanced math and other subjects. “So this coach he is your teacher?” I shook my head and explained I had 7 different teachers one for each class and I told him the horrors of the boy’s locker room and what the kids had done to me before. After a while, he seemed rather shocked at the fact his eye refused to heal, I decided to take him to the ER. “ I think I should take you to a real doctor,” the man turned and grabbed my wrist “You will do no such thing! If any other human finds me I will live the life of a lap dog to your people.” I winced as pain filled my arm and I tried to pull it back but his grip tightens, “you are hurting me,” I pulled on his fingers around my wrist and he let go I turned away from him and looked to my wrist and saw the blood dripping down from the blood-soaked bandages. I sighed as I dug in my backpack for gaze, or anything to stop the bleeding but found nothing. I rubbed my face with my right hand and pulled the sleeve back down, the man sat sniffing the air “you are wounded I did not know humans were so breakable.” I waved my right hand, and hid my left in my sleeve “you didn’t cause it I promise,” He stood and looked to my face “do all humans have such strange marks?” he pushed and rubbed on my bruise and I winced “it’s a wound below the skin, a burst of blood cells gathering at the skin cause this color and discomfort.” he stopped touching my face and looked at me “how strange…” I rolled my eyes and looked to my arm than his face “I need to gather more medical supplies I don’t have anymore and your bandages will need to be changed.” the man stood and nodded “I have a feeling I should come with you, humans often attack smalls am I correct?” I looked to him confused about what a small was “that is not the right word… an offspring?” I facepalmed “child?” he nodded and I sighed and waved him on he followed me shirtless I stopped him looking to the whitetail that faded to black and his ears that did the same. “Humans aren’t used to seeing whatever you are, do you mind wearing your cloak?” He grabbed his cloak and put it on his ears stood under the cloth and I sighed and went on my tiptoes and pulled the hood over more covering his ears and his burn. “Do not talk do not leave my side do not touch anything,” he nodded and I sighed leaving my cave and going out of the worlds we got the street and a car whizzed by the man jumped back “oh boy.” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him when the cars were gone we walked on, “same what is that?” he pointed to a building and I grabbed his arm and pulled it down “do not point and don’t call me small my name is Gale.” I said looking into his eyes and trucking on, we walked for a while when a few kids from my school came in sight I sighed as they stopped their basketball game and came to me. “Hey, gay boy, is that your daddy wow he is so ashamed of having you as his boy toy he covered his damn face.” I tried to go on the other side of the ground but they hit me with the basketball and grabbed my arm, “go fuck yourself while we have a friendly chat.” The lead boy said putting his arm around me and pushing me away from the man, “you humans really do disgust me.” The man said as I was pulled away, “you know what disgusts me you fucking fags. It’s unnatural!!!” the man moved his hand to his thigh “may I step in now?” I pushed away from the boy and tried to go to him “no you better not just wait there don’t you move an inch unless I call you.” The man scoffed “if you need me my name is Fletch.” The boys grabbed me and dragged me out of sight form Fletch kicked me and jumped on me, I laid on the ground as pillars of bodies beat down on me. They got out a pocket knife and pulled up my shirt as the others held me down laughing they took my hoodie and cut my shirt showing my belly and carved in my shirt with the knife on my front side they cut ‘gay boy free,’ on my backside they cut ‘fuck me, daddy.’ After they took pictures they grabbed a rope and tied my hands behind my back and sent me back to Fletch pushing me as I stumbled my head spinning as the floor spun with each step. They pushed me down on my knees in front of Fletch “thanks for waiting here is your boy toy.” They laughed as they walked away Fletch helped me stand and I looked to him his eyes bandages bleeding through and drips of blood going down his face.
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