Jenx was exhausted as he trudged through the doors of his dingy apartment. He blinked once causing the lights to flicker on before he threw his bag to the side and tugged off the blue tinted goggles which had left red circular marks around his eyes. He made his way to the little white room that sat off from his sleeping pod and entered it. The only items in the room were a small black wheely chair and an outlet. Jenx dug through his pockets pulling out his treasured purple aux cord before he plugged one end into the outlet. He made his way to the chair, sitting down slowly, before he plugged the second end into the special duct which had been inserted at the spot right where the back of his neck met the base of his head. A small sigh escaped him as the world fell away. He blinked twice now, pulling up a screen before his eyes.
-Logging into arcAdia-
A loading screen appeared showing arcAdia's bobbing 3-D CGI logo. After a beat a little ding sounded.
-Log in successful. Welcome back MastrJxX. You are now being connected to the arcAdia servers-
The walls of the room were suddenly covered with images. Chats, videos, pictures constantly being posted, games.
-arcAdia has detected that you have three friends online who are currently conversing. Do you wish to join the conversation?-
Jenx blinked once for yes and the chat screen was pulled up.
>MastrJxX: Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. I had to work over time.
>Grinn8mr: Ewwwwwww!
>Sexiboi: At least he doesn't work in the pleasure district! Do you know what it means for /me/ if I have to work overtime???
>Grinn8mr: Again EWWWWW !!! lol.
>MastrJxX: At least you get nice clothes and housing from it.
>Sexiboi: Yeah! I get gifts too!
>MastrJxX: Maybe I should transfer to the pleasure district.
>Grinn8mr: LMAO that's a joke right?
>Sexiboi: You pretty much need to have been chosen from birth to actually work in the pleasure district. We were bred for this shit you know. There's only a few exceptions of extremely hot people that managed to still make it in and I'm sorry my man but I don't think you're one of them.
>Grinn8mr: You would have to pay /me/ to do it with you lmao.
>MastrJxX: HEY!
>Sexiboi: Don't take it the wrong way my brother. You're cute and everything, just...haha...cute doesn't cut it in the pleasure district. You've gotta look like a walking Adonis. In other gotta look like me ;)
>T00str: Would you shut up you narcissistic fuck.
>Sexiboi: Oh speaks!
>Grinn8mr: Lmaoooooo Nibs why've you been so quiet?
>Grinn8mr: Nibs?
>Grinn8mr: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibs??????????
>T00str: ugh WHAT?!!!!
>Grinn8mr: Why've you been so quiet?
>T00str: Oh my fucking G_d.
>Sexiboi: Haha, you're so over sensetive Nibsy poo ;)
>T00str: If you ever even dare try to call me that again I will end you.
> Grinnm8mr: Hey.
>Grinnm8mr: Hey, Yasha hey.
>Grinnm8mr: Hey Yasha guess what.
>Sexiboi: What?
>Grinnm8mr: You suck ass lol :P
>Sexiboi: You know it ;)
>Grinn8mr: Hey, this is totally random lmao but everyone's going to the party tonight right?
>T00str: It's not like we have a choice.
>Grinn8mr: LMAO funny joke Nibs!
>T00str: ...
>Sexiboi: Wait till you guys see this killer new suit I'm going to wear for the Gala-X party! I look completely smoking in it. I'm talking panty dropping hot. Sometimes I worry that I'm too good looking for the world's good tbh.
>T00str: I literally can not stand you.
>Sexiboi: Your head says no but your boner says yes ;)
>Grinn8mr: Well I'm gonna be rocking a classy blue dress tonight lmao.
>Sexiboi: Didn't Jenx wear a dress like that last time?
>MastrJxX: Haha...sorry Vi.
>Grinn8mr: Whatever. I'll just need to find something better. I WILL NOT BE UPSTAGED!
>Grinn8mr: lol.
>T00str: Your all over thinking this shit. It's just clothes.
>Sexiboi: *You're
>Sexiboi: hehehehe ;)))
>Grinnm8r: I heard prince Florzel is going to be at this one lol.
>MastrJxX: No way? Really?? The emperor is ok with that?
>Grinn8mr: I said I heard LMAO! Not that I knew for sure! For all I know Mexy is just trying to build hype for it. It /is/ her first time assisting in running it after all.
Jenx was suddenly jerked from his virtual world by a knock at the door. What the...that was weird. He glanced at the time that was being digitally displayed in the wall's upper corner. It was past curfew. People shouldn't be allowed out onto the streets until the party was supposed to start.
>MastrJxX: Hey guys I gotta brb.
>Grinn8mr: LOLOLOL you taking a piss?
>MastrJxX: Sure.
>Grinn8mr: Wait what??? Where are you going?
>Grinn8mr: Jenx???
>Grinn8mr: Lol.
Cautiously Jenx unplugged, the walls once more returning to white. Then, slowly he made his way to his door.
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