It was a normal day in the office
“hey kai get your ass back to work”
“ok ok calm down I was just thinking”
yea this is a pretty normal day that lady that just yelled at me is my boss joanna well she's what do you call it a whore hopefully she cant read my mind and hear what I'm saying about her but she looking at me with an intense eye uhh scary. Will i call her this because she's been married for 8 years and she probably cheated on her husband at least a couple dozen times now on some of her workers. But she has a nic-
“hey kai ha hey kai “
“you laugh at that every time you're the only one who thinks that's funny at all your not funny “
“wow calm down man ha well after work today do you wanna go get some drinks with me Joro and Kaede where going to the usual”.
“No not today tomorrow is a a big work day so I'm just going straight home after work so in half an hour”
“going home to what your right hand since you don't have a wife”
“no I'm going home to your wife tonight she called me up and said yours was getting to small”
“haha fuck you Kai but whatever well go out drinking tomorrow but also today without your dumbass”
“yea yea Laters man”
1 hour later
damn i cant wait the new episode is out and a new volume of my favorite anime but no one knows I'm an otaku I'm a closet one.
Walking to a bookstore
Please no one I know be here
*while creepy peeking through the store window ok no ones here
*whew walks in the store
“Hey Kai how's your day “
“I'm buying the latest volume of _____ its my favorite and I love how it got an anime adaptation but whatever what are you doing here Kai”
“ me I'm here to uhh buy this book”
“a cooking book”
“yes I'm learning how to cook”
“Oh I get it your a closet otaku”
“an otaku ha your funny why would I be a loser like that ha ha”
“you don't have to lie to me when I went to your house i took a peak in your room while you were in the bathroom”
“Yeah you're only here to buy this book because in your room it looked like you like this Light novel and manga too and the new anime adaptation”.
“Yea I'm glad that the company allowed it to get an anime adaptation”
“yea but whatever happened to the author yo have the same name but not last name that's kind of cool”
“yea my name is Kai Martinez and his name is Kai Owari”
“yea I'm his biggest fan but he's never even showed his face and he hasn't wrote anything in a while this was his first new volume in 2 years”
“yea i know but i feel like he's not gonna write anything ever again science the light novel and manga series is now over with this volume”
“yea i guess but hopefully he makes a new project”
“ok Kanna don't tell anyone and I'll catch you later I'm going home to watch it” “ok bye”
Gets to his house.
Hey honey I'm home i finished the book you loved so much and can you believe it people loved our series so much that they made an anime adaptation I wish you were still here to watch the first episode with me but I guess I'm going to watch it by myself. I wish I was there that day. I wish I didn't ask you for that favor even if it was just a second later. That wouldn't have happened I'm sorry I wonder I wonder if up there in heaven you despise me I'm the one who killed you basically I'm sorry that I wasn't there. Goes to bed *Ring ring uhhh stupid alarm huh its almost time for work *puts on clothes, brushes his teeth and heads to work.
*clocks in
“hey Kai right in time right on the minute”
“yea yea hey jackie is the whore I mean boss in a good mood”
“ haha yeah she's fine apparently she had a date with her husband”
“oh yea and what employee”
“if she ever heard you i think she'll kill you not fire you ha”
“yea have a good day Jackie”
hmmmm goes into the office and has a normal day
“so Kai are we going out for drinks today or are you gonna pussy out again” “Fuck you but Yea sure man i just need to finish up one more paragraph then I'm out”
“yea were all almost done so get ready man”
“ ok kai let's head out man”
” yea lets go “ .
“hey Kai hey “
“ yes boss''
`` my husbands at the bar so you better not tell him anything, understand”
” yes and btw put on some clothes Kato already left or is it someone else today”
“ mind your own business no get out “
“ yes mam”.
“What was that about kai was the boss giving you some sex ed lecture or what”
“ funny now shut up”
“hey kai hows my wife doing”
Huh Getting railed by an another employee this week”
“ huh what”
“ she's doing fine john shes giving us a lot of work again ha “
“Three drinks please”
“ what do you mean three i want one”
“ i though you don't drink kai whats wrong”
“ nothing i just dont drink when i have something important to do the next day” “oh yea tomorrow is a free day in the office because the boss is going out huh” *TV News “IN THIS AREA THERE HAVE BEEN MULTIPLE KIDNAPPINGS AND KILLING IN THIS AREA BE SAFE EVERYONE
“ byea probably tryna get more employees between her legs”
“haha don't say it to loud you forgot that he's here”
“ Hey Kai where are you going the Nights still young”
“Im Burp Going home for tonight”
“going home to what to drink more not like anyones waiting for you haha”
“Loner kai come on just stay here”
“fuck you guys i'm going home to sleep”
“Yea cause that's the only thing waiting for you your bed”
“hey Taxi over here”
Taxi pulled up and Kai gets inside
“take me to ____” “Hey this isn't my house why did you pull up here Sir hello”
“I'm Here to end your miserable life and make you have a cause”
Pulls out a syringe and inject Kai with a Muscle relaxation
What's going on i can't move where am i who are these people are they going to oh no this is what the news was talking about nooo get me off get me off why can't i talk why why why cant i scream my very life is dependent on this and i can't do this whats wrong why why me i know what he said is true but i was going to change i was going to change i was going to get a wife one day and make a family so why me WHY WHY WHY WHY ME?!?!?!?
“Get the scalpel ready”
wait a scalpel don't tell me there going to take out some organs please god no just kill me now i don't wanna be alive with this please stop stop stop stop Kill me please god kill me
“doctor he's awake”
“its okay he's going to die here anyway let him feel pain it doesn't matter to me”
oh i see there going to remove some organs sell them huh guess I'm gonna die like ahhhhh no just kill me then remove them why are these people so cruel!! Ahh “doctor he's fainting the pains to much”
“its fine he's gonna die in 3 minutes time”
oh I'm gonna die huh I wonder if heavens are as nice as they say ha I'm gonna see here again I'm gonna see my family and her my lover ha i hope my organs can save someone. I'm fading huh it's so peaceful oh it's true huh your life does flash before your eyes wow its her haven't seen her smile in a lon-
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