Ah. Money. The wonderful thing that every man dreams of owning in great amounts. Abel Kenneth had it all: a well paid job; a nice flat (an ornately decorated one at that); and plenty of money to supply him with his everyday essentials. He was living in luxury. As a man of business, Mr. Kenneth was exceptionally serious when it came to his job, and strived to keep it that way for as long as he could manage to. As lovely as all this is - and was - the young man was hit with a rather peculiar crisis.
"Damn witches. They're the bane of my existence. To think I ever admired them - it's pathetic." The man scowled and ran his hand through his navy blue hair with rough hands. His emerald green eyes were stained with anger and hatred, so much so that they were practically glowing.
"I'll find him. I'll find him and I'll kill the bloody bastard."
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