The air sizzled as a foot stamped the dense soil with a super heated print, the skies above covered with black clouds crying hot tears of cinders as two nearby men dropped their baskets of fish and bread and fell to their knees. The horned demon stopped her approach and looked at them with disgust on her face and boredom deep inside her red eyes. She finally arrived in Vildasa, the heart of the Vildan Kingdom, and now it was time to systematically murder every last one of them.
The two men that witnessed her arrival, after moments of silence and staring, turned to smile at each other.
“Hey,” the first man said, adjusting his pants, “I’m no scholar or nothing, but I do think a lovely looking demon just dropped from the sky...”
“And she’s a pretty one in the nude! What a succubus this is...” The other man replied, also fixing his pants for no true reason. Hate built up inside her when she heard them call her, she who was a princess, a succubus. A succubus. A lowly, miserable, good for nothing but lust-draining succubus. Roami stared at them further before looking down, her expression remaining the same after seeing that they spoke the truth; she was indeed naked.
‘Oh’, she thought to herself, ‘I forgot that damned Gate doesn’t transmit clothes.’ Crossing her arms to cover her chest, she walked up to the two gawking men who were now fixing their shirts and messing with each other’s hair in pathetic attempts to look good and shoot their shot.
‘Now I have two rather reasonable reasons to damn them.’
Stopping within an arm’s length of them, she felt her body numb as she reached out into their mind, into their souls, to see what kind of people they were. Were they believable sinners or were they sinful believers? Her concentration was broken when she felt herself be grabbed.
Snapping back to reality, she was met with the faces of her two reddened bastard assaulters, both of them grinning wildly.
“Do you speak, demon?” One asked.
“Are you here to tempt us to sin with the pleasures of the flesh?” The second man raised a brow while the first licked his lips. She wanted to throw up, being touched by things she considered nothing more than smart apes made her very essence crawl out of her form, the thought of actually laying with them, in particular, made her want to die inside… something about it just wasn’t right to her, and she was not having any more of it. Uncrossing her arms, she snapped her fingers. Almost instantly, the entire ground around them began to glow blue before the soil started to bubble and boil. The two men immediately started to panic, wanting to run but finding that they were unable to. Fear started to engulf their face as they first looked at each other, then to Roami who merely pointed at their feet, which were now fused with the earth.
“Yes,” Roami finally said back to them. She was soft-spoken, yet her voice had the undertone of a cruel authority behind every word, “I am here to tempt you with… what did you call it?” Putting a finger to her lips she pretended to think before smiling, her red eyes gleaming in the sunlight. “That’s right… I’m here to tempt you to sin with the pleasures of the flesh. Shall we start with the sensations of burning flesh first then?” She didn’t give them time to even think of a reply. Roami then raised her hand up, as she did the boiling blue-hued ground roared to life, streams of blue flames sprouting up from every piece of dirt on the beach.
Screams of pain and agony escaped from the mouths of the two lustful men as Roami stood waiting patiently, watching their skin melt off their bones, followed by their muscles, nerves, and mush insides. The process was slow, but soon there was nothing of them besides their skeletal remains… but death didn’t come, the screaming didn’t stop, and the fires of Nowhere kept roaring.
“What’s wrong?” Roami asked curiously, walking up to stick her hand in the incinerating fire, caressing the skull of one of the burning men. “Wasn’t this what you wanted? To experience the final ‘pleasure’ of the flesh? No? You should have been more specific, then.” Having had her fun and growing tired of their screaming, she allowed the fires to return to their home in Nowhere after burning what was left of their bones. Soon, all was quiet again. “I admire your bravado to sin. I hate everything else, it’s not your faults really…” Looking down at the ashes left behind, she sighed.
‘I should’ve taken their clothes first,’ she regretfully remarked. ‘I’ll just… get some from someone else later.’ Walking away from the scene, she looked around, only finding black sand and ash in her sight. The nice and cool waters of the ocean were now dried up, replaced with smoking craters of what used to be. Any person that was here before she turned the beachside to blue was now gone, the marine life that used to thrive in the waves now ash. It was clear she went overboard, but she didn’t care. Everything in this kingdom would soon meet the same fate; who was she to pity dead men walking? It was her job, after all, every city eventually falls, and every great ancient kingdom eventually disappears without a trace.
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