Hi. I sorta stumbled into one of your comments. And, honestly, it made me mad. The comment was: "Fuck, please no fucking gay, that's disgusting as fuuck !". Here's the thing: I'm gay. Now, I don't expect everyone to be comfortable with my sexual orientation, but I do expect, at least, respect. Not only for me, but everyone in the community that does not identify as straight. So please, i'm asking you to revalute the kind of comments you make on this site, especially because there is a lot of young people "struggling" with sexuallity who use Tapastic. Now imagine, if you were a teen,dealing with the fact that you were different and you weren't sure if how you felt was allowed, and i called you, your love, your relantionships and everything you stand for, disgusting. Would you not feel bad or angry or humiliated? The world is already not a very forgiving place for anyone who deviates from the norm, you do not need to make it even suckier. Tapastic is one of the more accepting, open, respecting and friendly communities on the internet and I think it deserves to stay that way. Thank you for reading, and please, try and put yourselvef on other people's shoes.