I meant to get really back into webcomicing like legit 4 years ago and still have nothing to show for it - so in order to get used to the instant feedback (that can be negative lol) that I'm so afraid of I decided to submit older shortstories one by one.
I hope you guys will like them and hopefully it will get rid of my "stage fright" haha
Oh... it seems you didn't hit the bell button before sending, so the message will not go to the readers as a notification... :o/
And don't be afraid, at least, not that much afraid, people here seems to be so nice! Xo]
I like Tapas so much that I want to make a comic out of a book trilogy I wrote myself... even though I know way less about drawing than you, may I say... OTL
Your drawings are so lovely! Xo]
Oh, and I love when an artist come back to drawing or making comics... It's hard to live, it's hard do the things you like to do and I know sometimes liking to do it isn't enough for you to keep doing it... :o]
But I hope you feel better soon and for you to express yourself through your art once again. Xo]
For me, there's nothing better than that! :oD
So, feel free to do your best whenever you can! >u<)b
I know you will! (>///u///<)b
Hello everyone! Is anyone still following me? haha Good news! This year I will get into the groove of drawing a lot of comics and most of all update Katzenjammer like U HAVE NO IDEA!! I needed time to collect myself. But now that I'm collected™ it's time to WORK ON THESE BAD BOYS 💪
almost a year late but everything I do is late lol but I've actually been working on comics - sometime next month updates should be happening and then hopefully a regular schedule (let's pray for it or smth)
I wish you continued Rainbow Vomit and White Noise. I really liked where they were headed :'( I understand if you might be really busy though. sorry x'(
Yeah, I would love to do nothing more than work on webcomics but I have to do many many other things as well D8 Especially white noise - it's withering away /sobs into handkerchief/ But no worries as soon as I have a schedule less erratic than right now it's gonna happen (tho rainbow vomit is a collection of short stories it's not really headed anywhere? haha)
not that I know? Aber ich glaube wenn du die serie von irgendwem subscribest bekommst du auch sonst mit was die person so posted - zb neue serien oder wenn sie auf ihrer wall posten oder so