Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say thank you so much for continuing reading Detached <3 I am so grateful for everyone who has stuck with me through the hiatus.
I'm going live on twitch around 8 PM EST to work on a thank you illustration for you all (not the artwork posted with this announcement, that's just for ~~fanciness). I'll be posting the dropbox link to the full res downloadable art tomorrow when I update the comic <3 I know its not much, but I wanted to show my gratitude somehow.
Hi everyone! I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and hanging in there <3 I've been working very hard on a lot of different projects over the past couple of months, and for those of you that read Detached, you've probably seen that I'll be updating regularly again!!! In additon to that, I wanted to let ya'll know that I'm drawing a comic that my friend Chas! is writing called RIP You and Me : ) It's a super adorable compilation of short comics telling the story of a heartbroken Skeleton Boy and his ex Witch Girl as they learn to heal from broken relationships, take care of themselves, and find the best way to move forward. I'm super excited to be working on this with him, so if you like Detached or my other artwork, I would super appreciate it if you checked it out! If you do, please say hello and let us know you came from here so I can say hi!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you so much! And of course! I was really impressed, especially with your ceramics <3 I have a soft spot for ceramics and anything clay because I've never been able to tackle it. I look forward to seeing more of your art : )
Hello everyone! I just wanted to say hello and welcome to all Detached new readers <3 and also thank you to everyone who’s been reading! I noticed that a lot of you really liked the character Pike, so here’s some Pike art! I’ll see ya later in the week for an update
Hi friends!!! I've been working hard to get the update out in the next few days : ) Sorry for the delay, these pages are taking me longer to draw because of the amount of characters in them etc etc. But here is a complimentary Casey and Camael <3
While you're waiting for the next update, here's a Casey and Camael animation created by VT Animation ;_; What a frickin good boy, gosh. I'm so grateful <3 VT has a really cool Youtube channel where he does cute animations for Kirby and Mario and some Grumps Animated, too so I super hope you'll go check it out! He's also teasing his new animated series Jenna Harley : )