hello, I've received Harsh criticism and will be making huge improvements and fixing character motivations and major plot points that were removed due to fear of slow pacing but I'll put them back in now. so say goodbye to the prologue and say hello to a much better story. also small changes will be made to currently uploaded pages for quality control. also the name of the story wil be changed to its orginal name.The Freerun bandits.
The name Taru means "to be sufficient" in Japanese. Idk lol here's a free gay Taru wallpaper for your phone or whatever? download here: http://animatormx.deviantart.com/art/GBW-Gayley-Taru-Free-wallpaper-for-phone-625574331?ga_submit_new=10%253A1470155634
guardians between worlds(gbw) has been removed
from tapastic and has been rehosted here.