This is pretty preemptive, but there's gonna be no UniSword update this week because I was busy making a whole other comic for one of my short summer classes! So, considering I took these last couple weeks focusing on that, I have no page to upload for this Saturday. Whoops! Updates will resume on June 15th!
So, despite posting comic pages on an “every-other-week” basis, I’m almost about to start working on page 50 of the comic. So I’m posing a question: should I keep the “every-other-week” page updates, or go for a “every-week” page update schedule?
I like having a huge page buffer like this even if it risks view-count. The every-other-week schedule also gives me a little break in between setting up updates. And since I’m moving in to college soon, I think every-other-week is a good option.
On the other hand, with every-week updates, I could keep a more engaged audience. Since people would know they can come back *every* Saturday instead of every *other* Saturday. And even if I find myself running out of pages, I could always go on hiatus to create a bigger buffer.
But, I’ll leave it up to the people. For now, I’ll keep the Every-Other-Week updates unless I get some audience input :) Also, here’s some pages that’ll be later on in the story. Toodles!
Page update today alongside me (probably) fixing the blurry issue. The pages look good on desktop and mobile from what I can tell, so yeah, I went ahead and un-crunchified the pages I saw as “very not good”
Hey Gamers I have,,, no idea how to fix page blurry-ness so uh, yeah. I think it’s because I have to resize and make the pages smaller to meet Tapas’s maximum size, but yeah, I currently have,,, 40? Pages drawn in the “big” canvas size (which is just 8.5” x 11”) but after the chapter I’m working on is done, I’ll see if changing my canvas size will fix anything :)
(Edit: Upon further research my pages are too big, not too small)