So I am not making any Fashionisto comics for the time being but when I do go back to it im probably going to be posting them on my tumblr so if you want please go follow my tumblr
So after the comic i post here ill prob be on hiatus because of personal reasons. But ill keep making like sketches of the characters and what not so pls go follow me on my twitter and instagram where ill be posting them. Also to just want to stay updated on what im doing and stuff
I'm so behind with comics. Yeah i'm sorry i haven't been feeling well and it's been kinda hard keeping up with episodes. But I think i'll just upload every Tuesday and Saturday...Don't hate me
So it's thundering outside and i don't want the power to go out and loose all my work, there will be something for you guys in the evening but episodes will be late very sorry
So since i'm putting a little extra in upcoming's episode it won't be done till tomorrow, sorry but I will be flinging out more probably every other day soon
So I have some bad news. I was hoping to have my webcomic done by Monday, but I took a really bad fall and injured my right side. Literally my right hand is swollen and my wrist is aching. I have it sketched out on paper so what i'm probably going to do is ink it, shade it and scan it onto my computer so ah stay tune for that
I feel so bad I haven't been on here for so long. I want to blame school but it's really on me. I am going to go back to posting on mondays so stay tune for that. I also have a patreon so if you want to become a patreon and help my webcomic please go and pledge link:
So there isn't going to be a webcomic tomorrow cuz I was super busy this weekend with things and school and now I feel like crap like my head and back hurt would struggle so much to make a comic not to mention I have to wake up super early for school, so sorry for no comic. I'll probably try and do two next week so stay tune