I'm learning to make and write comics and so far its been a wonderful expiernce telling stories through such an awesome style. (mostly grammar hates me and will eat me alive with a regular novel...plus drawing is awesome.w00t!) I hope to post some comics on here in the near future and to get constructive feed back to help improve my comic skills and help improve my story telling!
Traditional and Digital media, Sai and Pencil(the name of the program)
Hey, I thought I might send you this small token of appreciation for subscribing to Kingdom of Sunlight <3 I noticed you have a comic here called The Tome of Kilkris- and I wonder, is that something you are planning on continuing/updating in the near future?
Just to let everyone know, since I had finals this last week the third page of The Tome of Kilkrís will be delayed unfortunatly till monday ((and totally not partially distracted with a new ps4...Nope nope!))