I'm makin' DR pages again! Yaaay. It's been uh...a long time. Most of you have probably forgotten you even subbed to this comic. I'm working on making a decent sized buffer before I post again. Expect new pages in May. I have 3 done and want to have 10 completed before I start posting.
Heeeeey. Just wanted to let you know I'm not dead. DR is on a long term hiatus. I may return to it tho but I will be updating in large chunks hat cover chapters/arcs instead of page by page.
Bah, so sorry for the delay. College is starting so things are a bit hectic with that and trying to clear out my commission queue! Updates will resume mid-Late September.
I've done some comparative analysis, and compared to your last comic, virtually everything here is neater, cleaner, and more visually stunning. P.S. I’m digging that pallet! I love your work.