thank you very much! I also love drawing this little creature of adorable chaos, although I've been very distracted lately. But there will definitely be more Tabby stories.
In other news I am forced to go on a partial hiatus.
After an eternity I'm finally upgrading my laptop to a very powerful (and extremely beautiful) PC... unfortunately it doesn't come with an operating system and my technology skills are at a dummy level.
So while I figure out how it works I'm going to take a few days off. I hope this matter is resolved soon and I can publish comics again, this time at the speed of light whoooosh
Hello Soul. I am a new writer starting my first work on this forum. If you like to read and are not opposed to sensual content,
I invite you to check out my novel:
Hope you have a good day😊
PS. I'm your 69th subscriber. HeHe.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated ink during inksgiving! between one thing and the other I couldn't finish what I had prepared for the event (and I've been quite late with Aria's Magiarama)
For those who remember last year, it is at this same time of year that the book fair in Guadalajara begins. and I will participate again this year, I prepared many new things like stickers, bookmarks and many more things for this next weekend (the fair already started today, but for the general public it will start on December 1st) and guess how much merchandise is ready? nothing, zero, negative numbers!
I've been laughing nervously for weeks and I don't know what I'm going to do.
and as soon as I can reduce a little with all the extra workload I will finish with the pending jobs that I had planned for the inksgining!!
Due to an unexpected health issue, I couldn't finish today's page.
I'll take a couple of days to rest and come back as soon as I can.
sorry for the inconvenience and see you soon