Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been busy with work and life and making more comics to share with people!!! I'll have a new webcomic starting in April so keep an eye out for that! I still plan on doing Mr.Hare & Mr. Bear short stories but I don't have a definite date (I've literally only drawn one of them!) Until then I do have a Beastiary book I'm trying to Kickstart for anyone interested!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/drkara/pandoras-book-of-monsters - sorry for the unplanned hiatus! Export more news soon!!
As for more of the story, Mr.Hare & Mr.Bear: Shorts will be starting up next month! (probably towards the end of the month thank you for your patience!)
Hey guys!! I'll be at ECCC in Seattle next weekend! In the Artist Alley table w08 <3 Come visit if you're there! I'll hopefully have the first Mr.Hare & Mr.Bear book there (*fingers crossed that the printers send it in time*)
https://tapastic.com/series/BrookeSt Hey guys! sorry there was no update today but check out this other webcomic I'm co-writing with my friend while she draws it with her amazing art!!
Hey guys!! I've launched a kickstarter with some friends for another comic project!! It's a supernatural reverse harem!! If you like morbid humor and creatures that are also somewhat decent looking guys and gals, check it out!