Just a lil' artist trying my best! I love making art and sharing it with the world. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun anyway :>
Hey everybody! I know I've been pretty MIA recently. I just wanted to give some quick updates, so I made a post on deviantart! You can check it out there if you're interested--it has a lot of important info on what's coming next for me, and for NemaTale. Feel free to comment on dA or on here with your thoughts :)
First of all, THANK YOU for 600+ subscribers! We smashed past several milestones SO fast on here, I am speechless. Seriously, thank you all so much! Your support helps keep me motivated!
Secondly, SCTV came out with a compilation dub of *all three chapters* of NemaTale! Super cool! You can check that out here:
Hey friendos, I made some art! No it's not chapter 4 stuff yet, but it's pretty cool I think! Check it out here: https://corpupine.tumblr.com/post/681470152134492160/waiting-stop-waiting
Heyoo everybody, my Q and A video just dropped! It's a good lead up to Chapter 4 so if you're reading the comic I strongly recommend watching it. Check it out at the link below! (I'm not sure what the best way is to post links on here . . . ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07my5w_6kxE
Hi friends! It's been a good long while since I posted anything on here. I'm a lot more active on my other social medias, so feel free to follow there for more frequent updates!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm postponing the updates for Chapter 4. I'm still not done with Chapter 5, though I've been hard at work on it! My optimistic goal is to start posting at the end of March, but I'll keep you posted! Thanks for your patience :D
Heyoo everybody! Just thought I ought to make an update post, seeing as we only have a few NemaTale updates left before the end of Chapter 3. It's been so much fun sharing this chapter with you, it has some of my favorite scenes in the comic and it's been a blast to share them with all of you!
So, a couple quick orders of business: When Chapter 3 wraps, I hope to be able to get Chapter 4 to you all as quickly as possible! Chapter 5 is well on its way to being done, but I may not finish it before the end of the year. My husband and I are moving to a new home, which is super exciting but also stressful, and with big life changes it's hard to always stick to my planned comic schedule!
One thing I know for sure is that Chapter 4 will be like Chapter 3 and update every other week. It's just a lot more sustainable for me to do it that way! Thank you all for being so sweet and patient with me.
Also, I'm not sure if everyone saw, but I'm making a Q and A video! I didn't advertise it on here super well, haha, but it's actually all done being edited now. Once I make the thumbnail it'll be complete! I'm planning on releasing it juust before Chapter 4 comes out. I'm so SO happy with how it turned out, and I really think you won't want to miss it!
Okay, that's the end of this novel I think. I know my comic following is small, but I want you guys to know that I appreciate every single one of you so much! It's why I try to thank each of you individually when you subscribe, it's why I post this comic for you all to see, and it's why I'm going to keep making pages until the story's complete!
That's all for now, folks! Have a good day, and hang on tight for the rest of Chapter 3!
Sooo, I'm starting to think I'll have to make an adjustment to my posting schedule. I may have to make updates for Chapter Three be once every other Friday rather than every Friday.
I feel weirdly bad about that, because I know people have been waiting on the chapter longer than I initially planned already, but I'm only one person. I've got a part time job, I'm in my last semester of school and taking 12 credit hours of senior courses, I'm married . . . it's all a lot on its own, and when you stick a comic on top of that I'm basically a dead girl walking. I'm really burned out, and it's only going to get worse as the semester goes on.
So, I've kind of been panicking about what this means for the comic, because honestly, the past few weeks making the comic has not been fun. I haven't liked the work I've been putting out, my motivation is really low, and I'm just . . . I'm tired, you know?
That's not really anyone's fault but mine. I have a pretty intense perfectionist mindset, and sometimes I associate how hard I'm working with my self worth. But that's really not healthy. Don't be like me, kids.
Anyway. The point of all this is to say that I'm sorry, but Chapter 3 is going to be coming out slower than the previous two chapters. Hopefully that'll give me the time I need to breathe and regain my energy and creativity.
I know it probably doesn't look like a lot is going on from me, since I haven't been posting art, but I swear I'm working my butt off. I love this story and I want to keep telling it, I just need some time. If I had a full comic team working with me, or even an assistant, I could get stuff out faster. But as it is, I'm just one tiny artist trying her best. Please, be patient with me, and let my best be enough.
Been working on the next chapter for a while now, and I don't think I'll be ready for it to come out by the end of the month. There's just too much left to do right now, and I don't want to rush anything.
So, this is an official announcement: Chapter 3 will premiere on February 26th! If that has to change again I will let you know, but right now I think I can stick with that date.
Thank you all for your continued patience as I work to make the next chapter of NemaTale the absolute best it can be! You guys are amazing.