Jus a simple artists doin' random webcomics n other stuff I suppose.
Bein' chill n laid back are my specialties heh;3
You can also find me on newgrounds if that's more yer fancy;P
Welp, I've enjoyed uploading these weekly strips, but after this weeks episode of "El Nichijou Sorciere" goes up, I'm afraid that'll be it for this season.
Now that doesn't mean it's over, it just means I'll be taking a lil' break and creating a batch of episodes before posting again.
"Chaotik Pandemonium" will also be taking a hiatus as well. see y'all soon!:3
I'm not sure what's going on, but I can't upload any comics to the site. every time I try and upload it gives me an error message.
so until further notice, I'll be continuing my upload schedule on my newgrounds account.
Y'all can find the link on my profile page if yer interested;P
I'll be starting another series, prolly in between El Nichijou Sorcière. So stay tuned fer it.
Umm tell your friends.. and eh... have a good one. heh;P