So far 2024 has been quite the rough and busy year for me, alot of things has happened into my personal life that I won't discuss here. But since I have gotten into a New Hobby lately things has gotten pretty slow for me. I'm trying not to burn myself out with all these projects because there's only so much I can independently do by myself. Hopefully this year I can manage to get on track with my stuff and I'm not certain if I want to do something else when the time calls for it.
Alright I know I have been missing a lot of deadlines lately, unfortunately I didn't make due time for some Animations nor the RPG Maker Games. Once again me dealing with Financial Stuff and doing other Projects that isn't Art Related. However I'm not finished with Extraordinary Outcast just yet. This Series might be my longest so far, but I'll do my best to catch up with everything for the time being.
So far things are doing good lately, after having my Dentist Oral Surgery I've been recovering a bit. Later on I have to do the Other Half of my Teeth to be Remove. Finished the Forth Story and the Next One will be Ready Soon.
Okay with everything out of the way which includes being in a Full-Time Job which delay these projects. Now back doing as much as I can before finding another Job either Part-Time or Full-Time. Lately I'm doing the best I can to finally wrap up the Third Story. Until then I'll head back to the drawing board to come up with More Stories!
It has seems that I had completed the First Story, as well partially completed the Second. Though it may not be over just yet, I'm still planning more Storylines as well as preparing Art Direction. If you had seen Unordinary Guys & Unordinary Outcast you might noticed that these stories aren't anything New, as well being hardly Original. This will soon be well explained another time eventually, but I would like to point out that these Stories pays Tributes to my childhood. Well there you have my explanation of these stories more will come along the way.