[pronouns: they/, them]
write write write write, rest. write write write write...
Using this platform to workout my writing muscles. It sometimes feels a lot worse than walking for 30mins
if you've read through my book "Adding Color" and you've wondered what it would be like as an animated series, then you're in luck. I have started production for this show but I need your help. if you are an aspiring voice actor, editor, writer, animator, audio engineer, or artist then head over to castingcall.club or BTVA (behindthevoiceactors.com) or join send me your talent on discord Dylan-quinn#1004 I can't wait to hear from you!
hello, it's been a while. i just wanted to let you all know that i have deleted my less popular story due to the lack of updating. i am glad to annouce that next wednesday there will be a new series in it's place- Cry For Help, a series of peoms and short stories so be on the look out. i hope you have a great day
sorry for not posting on Thursday, i got a new job but also kicked out! i haven't been focused, but that will change. also as i have everything i need then i will stop at nothing to post!