Been an incredibly long time since I last posted here ! I wonder if anyone is still around..?
In any case, last time I was here was January 2015 !! That is crazy !! Time sure flies.
A lot has changed meanwhile - changed job, got married, changed flat, then changed job again, changed my mentality, changed a lot of things.
As it stands, I am being creative again and delving into big projects once more.
I have recently created a new Tapastic account that I enjoy and identify with a lot more than FatPurpleBird. I am currently working on an experimental project and posting it there, along with a short novel. For anyone who might still be around after all this time and for those who are interested, you can find my work under Mono9 Comics.
But what does this mean for Flyswatter?
Flyswatter WILL come back. Once I finish the current project, I will then work on a one-shot graphic novel about 50-odd pages long while I revise and remake the first 2 chapters of Flyswatter. This being said, I have no definite dates yet.
However, I think it is about time I bring this project back and make it better.
So, for those who are still here, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me for this long. I deeply apologise for neglecting you for this long, but... I believe it was necessary to first get my life sorted. Next year will be the year Flyswatter will see a comeback. I will then make an announcement here and close this account.
Again, if you are interested in following what I have been doing recently, please follow me on Mono9 Comics.
Right, so here's the deal, if anyone here cares at all.
I currently work full-time in retail, for reasons out of my control. It drains people out sometimes. Naturally, that eats away most of my time during the week. The rest of the time, I either rest, do chores or have a life. It leaves me not a lot of time to create.
Flyswatter was an awesome way to keep myself creative and to advance a project that I wanted to do. However, right now, I cannot afford to continue with big projects, because I just don't have the energy/time to do it. All I did for a long time was work and do Flyswatter. This isn't working for me right now. So, that being said, I will have to let Flyswatter go on hiatus until further notice. It sucks, for the people who have been following it, and for me. But that's how it must go right now, and I apologize for this. I don't want to drop it forever, so I will go back to it sometime.
However, I want to have a new start. For about two years I feel I haven't done nearly enough for myself when it comes to creating. I feel numb. I feel out of control of my own life. So, I will change this.
So, yes. You can't have it all, so all the big projects will have to go on the back of my head for now. But hey, at least I will be able to go back to enjoying art for itself, instead of making it an everyday chore.
Hello hello !! I don't know if anyone actually reads this, but anyway.
Great news !! The next chapter of Flyswatter will start soon !! I plan on sketching a few pages tomorrow and getting back on track soonish... Who knows what will happen now ?! ;)
Hello lovely peeps !! As you might have noticed, I haven't updated anything in a while. Flyswatter is currently going on hiatus and I don't know when I will go back to it. I will NOT drop this project, but I feel I need to sort my life out first before I return to normal updates. Apologies for the wait and please be patient, as I will return :)
There will be no page this week because I simply had no time and I was completely K.O. at the end of each day D: I apologize !! Updates will continue next week.