So in case someone was wondering where the hell i am... I kind of moved to Webtoons. Before i say any more, i'll continue posting "Accidentally Awkward" here as well. The reason why i moved to Webtoons is... exposure. It's quite difficult to get much response (subs even more) on Tapastic. Mostly due to the way new comics are introduced on the site. Thing is, I find Webtoons to be a more efficient site for it, especially since i'm HORRIBLY bad at updating/interacting/keeping connection with readers. But here's why i want to keep posting on Tapas: I hate it, that i do not get notified on Webtoons if i get comments, questions, subs, likes. Everything. Just absolutely no connection to you guys. And i hate it, i want to interact with you people, get your opinions and just generally see what you are up to! So, if you like webtoons' site more, here's the link:
Otherwise, thank you for reading and i hope to bring you more of the silliness! Let's keep in touch.
As devianart is slowly but surely dying, i decided to switch sites i'm active on and therefore i'll be TRYING to have a twitter account and keep it updated ^^
( If you have any suggestions on artists to follow on twitter, it'd be cool o3o" )
i'm somewhat surprised to see DA reach the end of it's rope but I hope things go well on twitter! i'm not sure who to suggest since i've got a good handful or artists and youtubers as well as other tap artist i follow but i'm sure you'll find something! Good luck :)
So on my instagram i did an art giveaway and one of the winners asked me to draw Black Widow and it turned out so well, that i'm shamelessly proud of myself xD Therefore, have a look! If you'd like to see my usual art you can follow me on instagram! ^^
Since i finished the StarGazer comic, i finally have time to post silly slice of life series, that i planed for a while now ^^ Some of you might even remember my first try that I deleted ovo"
Hey everybody, sadly i don't have as much time as i wish due to academy. I'll try to post new pages as soon as possible. Since the comic is coming to an end i don't want to fall back, so please stay patient ^^