Hello everyone! I hope you all and your beloved ones are doing well. In February I finally released the printed version of the new chapter of Running is for cowards in Spanish. Sadly, I only could attend to one convention before the corona lockdown. Anyway, now is made, I hope I can publish new English pages soon :)
I've updated my Tumblr and made it my English newsfeed, so check it out if you want!
For Spanish speakers:
¡Hola! Espero que estéis bien. Seguramente ya lo habréis visto por las redes, pero ahora me encuentro dibujando un nuevo capítulo de Jose y el encargado (sin Jose) que se puede ir leyendo en Faneo.
Una vez lo termine, colgaré algunas páginas de muestra del nuevo capítulo de Correr es de cobardes. De momento, lo estoy vendiendo impreso por correo. Aquí están las instrucciones para adquirirlo:
Hello! Just a little update to let you know I'm alive. I'm still drawing the next chapter for Running is for cowards slooowly but steady, so please wait for it (hopefully it'll be out next year!).
Hello!! I'll start uploading new pages of Running is for Cowards next Sunday! Updates will be on Thursdays and Sundays, just like before. I hope you enjoy them!!!
Here you have Marta from last Inktober. I usually upload my drawings to Instagram (@flanaoka).
¡Hola! Escribo para deciros que estoy colgando Correr es de cobardes en español en Faneo. También estoy subiendo Jose y el encargado.
Si preferís la versión original, que es más salada, aquí tenéis mi perfil: https://www.faneo.es/users/Hanaoka
Hi! It took later than expected, but Running is for cowards returns tomorrow with chapter 3 finally in English. Updates will be on Sundays and Thursdays and comments are welcome!
Hello everyone! Wow, I didn't expect so many likes and suscribers to Running is for cowards in so little time. Thank you so much!! I still have to translate chapter 3 into English, so the comic will be on hiatus for a pair of weeks. See you soon!
(Spanish) Marta ha subido a Tapas el cómic que le guionicé para Lis en fleur hace unos años. Estaba en Subcultura, pero para quienes no lo hayáis leído, lo tenéis en este enlace:
(English) I wrote this story some years ago for a yuri fanzine. It's in Spanish, but you can enjoy my friend Marta's gorgeous art, even if you can't read it (that's the best part of the comic, anyway).