An autobiography, a daunting task indeed. For now, I don't really have much to say really. They say 'details hide within the vague', so lets be vague about it.
I am simply a student of life itself, trying to get his learner's permit.
Hello, my dear readers. I am adressing all of you, however many may you be. I cherish and appreciate al of you, every single one.
This post is to adress my infrequent publish schedule. Now, I dont mean to sound all self important and grandiose, but I still felt like an explanation was owed, so an explanation shall be given.
Something very personal and dear to me has happened to me, and to the people of my country, hence the forced 'hiatus'. But I'm back and fit now. And I shall strive to provide a most stable publishing schedule from now on.
As commemoration of my return I shall upload two chapters at once. Enjoy. ;)
Hello everyone, or no one. At the moment I am writing this I have no followers, but I write this for all you wonderful people who shall follow me in my journey in the future.
Today, I begin an arduous journey. I don't exactly know how much, or even how many Series I can write (yes i have more than one planned) but I hope I shall enjoy the journey that is to come.
27th May, 2024 -- I publish the first chapter of my first series, 'Lose'. I hope everyone enjoys it.
p.s. Below I've attached the beautiful cover I made for this novel.