I have 2 things to say
1st off- Apologies for being so inactive all the time- I know it can be annoying when someone goes on an off hiatus constantly, especially when they don't announce it- so sorry for that
2nd- I will be deleting Beta Testing and possibly KDS. I'm not satisfied with either series even if the latter is just stand alone drawings. And the more I look at it, the more I feel like these weren't the type of comics I wanted to make. I'm not really having any fun.
So to summarise I'm deleting BT and possibly KDS in the very near future and wanted to give a heads up. Hope this didn't come off as rude or condescending.
A friend of mine, lecchin, opened emergency commisions so id appreciate it if you could head over and check it out if youre interested. If not feel free to spread the word
Lecchin: https://tapas.io/series/my-trash-art-stash