Hello! I'm going using these times between Chapters to hone my skills and look over the script for the next one.
While trying to improve my art, I will also post general art on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louis_winter92/
and post other stuff all other accounts, not sure what. Probably memes and opinions.
Just finished rearranging New Zenith on Tapas, Webtoons and ComicFury. I swear, make sure the next chapter is less of a mess. Might do some promotions of other creator's work in-between chapters.
Hello everyone. I've been doing alot of self-reflecting very recently. I'm feeling a bit down because of that, but the nice thing is my webcomic is now more of a center point of my life as of now. So, this story might make some interesting turns. Sorry for the wait. still got pages done.
Rearranged and cut some panels. So sorry for the ghosting. life and all that. This doesn't mean that I haven't been drawing. Self-reflecting has yielded new ideas and can't wait to finally CLOSE this chapter. New episode soonish.
I created in Canva Pro. THX!The free version does alot too. Then had to cut the flames and flicks down to 2second cycles so its jumpy compared to the full cycle verson I have. I added fire effects to the eyes and her fire sword.
Just finished a Hawk and Flo Adventures/ Infinite Strike crossover Desktop. In this one Xepholen has Hijacked Hawk and Flo's usual Subscriber cake :D. I drew this to commemorate my comic's upcoming 2nd anniversary. :D
Hi, I drew a crossover Desktop wallpaper between A.O.D and Hawk and Flo Adventures for Drawtober. I hope you enjoy ^^ Here's my comic if you're interested :).