Due to technical issues (read as lazy or busy with school - either is fine) there will be no update this week. I repeat, I'm sorry ass, no update duh. ๑•́ㅿ•̀๑) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ
New pages will be delayed for few weeks as I am busy finishing assigments for school, so Trabita will be on small hiatus for two to three weeks ヾ(_ _。)Sorry bout that
In my defense, I got a (new part time) job in Sept 2016
so ... I probably missed a lot of stuff that Autumn.
It's not bad !! ... I can happily imagine a whole deck of cards based on this. 😍 😼 😂
It's cool really :D I wish I could get partime job somewhere :D but I guess I'll have no luck this summer either. Whole deck sure would be cool, but I'm afraid I ain't got enough characters haha
I personally feel like page by page is better for you, because everytime you post a page it ends up on the 'newly updated' section of the front page. I know, as a reader, I like going through that section. And as an artist, I like the little spike of views that comes every time I update a page, so might as well get that feeling more often, right? :)
Thanks for the reply :D what you said sure makes sense, its nice to see when someone actually sees your work indeed, hell I didnt even know there was newly updated section lol, my mind is not working right these days XD