I probably won't update for another couple of weeks because I don't have time at the moment! ;A; I've been busy with work and family and barely have time to doodle a butt. I apologize in advance for this small hiatus! ( ; o;)
Update on tablet: So far I probably won't get a tablet until sometime in the next 3 weeks? What does that mean, Mango? Well thank you for asking person behind the screen who's reading this, this just means that comics will take a bit longer to make and that you'll have to just deal with my shit drawings. Thank you for listening to this update.
I'm excited about this series I just started because a lot of dumb things happen to me that I want to draw out and this website inspires me to actually do it. (even though I know no one will look at it, it feels nice to draw and post somewhere and pretend someone cares)