After a much-needed, very long break, I'm happy to announce I've begun work on book two in The Secrets of Jean-Baptiste series. This one is gonna be, uh, interesting. Title reveal further down the road. Here's a taste:
Heavy Lies the Crown will be free-to-read for 24 hours on December 12th!
Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and read with your grandma (if she's into that?). If Heavy Lies the Crown has been on your TBR list this is the perfect chance to binge it!
If you're dying to know what one of Jean's secrets is, today's chapter [25] will tell you. Now's an excellent time to catch up on The Secrets of Jean-Baptiste.
For the next 48 hours, every drop of ink you give to creators goes to an overall goal. If the entire Tapas community donates 20,000,000 drops of ink, you get 20% of the ink you donated back. At the time I'm typing this, it's 20 minutes since we went live, and we're already to nearly 1 mil. Wow!
Why hello, killers 🍷
The Secrets of Jean-Baptiste is out and the first update is today!
You can now read up to chapter eighteen. Update schedule: two episodes Tuesday and Thursday at 8AM PST. The book will be uploading roughly four months 🤗
Here’s out-of-context spoilers for this book, in no particular order:
☠️🕵️♂️🇫🇷 💔🏥⚰️🏳️🌈📜🍷 🇨🇦🕺🖊🩸🔪💰
Grab a glass of wine (non-alcoholic substitute if you’re underage), listen to your favorite harpsichord playlist, and don your fluffiest bathrobe. I’ll see you at Dubois Manor. (Bring a French-English dictionary.)
Heavy Lies the Crown released its final chapter today!
That means it can officially be binged!
If you've had it on your to-be-read list this is the opportune time to start. I'm currently taking questions for a Q&A, so if you want to ask me absolutely anything, check out chapter 122 and ask away in the comments before 8/23/2020. I'm going to answer as many questions as I can!
Heavy Lies the Crown is on Spotlight feature AND it’s 40% off for the next four days! If you’ve been wanting to catch up now is a great time as the story draws to a close!
Welcome to all my new killers in the killer fam, we’re glad to have you ❤️ If anyone is interested in joining my fan discord, just click the link below or DM me here or on Twitter!
Ahhhh it's so weird to think that this story is ending! I'm not an og fan, but I used to read it everyday on the train to school because I could use those hours to earn coins to read, back when they still really disliked each other... anyways, thank you for an amazing story!! I love your writing :)
It feels like so long ago that they were enemies XD A lot has changed! Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate all your comments, and thank you for the compliment!
hello, brand new killers, welcome to the killer fam 💖
There's been an influx in readers and subs for Heavy Lies the Crown over the last few days, so I wanted to extend another invitation to you to join my discord!
It's a small space right now, very low key. Keep up to date with my projects, get critique on your own writing, connect with like-minded people, and occasionally get a tarot card reading from me 👀✨🃏