SOOOOOOOOOO i've been away for quite some time now ...i'm such a bad artist >.< ....okay anyway i'm back ...and i'll be back with doodles, more spooky madness comics ...etc i've recently opened a Patreon because my family is in deep financial hell so i'm trying to get back up and do something :) hopefully more content soon
just wanna say 2nd page of Devi Rats will be out in the next few days hopefully ....if you wanna get a little bit of spoilers for it ....i did a stream on my youtube making it you can see it here :D
i'm so terribly sorry for being so inactive i hopefully will be back on track with Devil Rats comic soon..... also the mini spooky madness comics's been due to personal stuff going on ...lso me being an uninspired lazy ass ...ass we all have those days ....this was something for me to get me occupied ...but i couldn't get it right so i let it be for a while ....let it rest and set and try again hopefully soon you'll see some more stuff....definitely some spooky madness comics in the near future :)
Hey don't worry man, it's difficult to stay focused on personal projects, let alone a story. Take your time, I'm just happy that you're still alive and kicking.