Hi guys!
It's been.. a very long time since i last posted anything on Tapas!
I just wanted to say I'm very sorry, but I don't think I can continue Broquest anymore (which includes side story!). There are personal reasons behind it, but I hope you can understand.
That said, I won't stop making comics! And it anything, I've started another one a while back, and I was thinking of posting them here as well!
It's called Judas Kiss, and I hope you'll come to enjoy that one as well!
Wow hello!! It's been almost 2 years since my last update, and i'd like to apologize! a lot of things have happened in life, including career change, health problems, and many many assignments.
I do regretfully say that at some point i considered cancelling Broquest in pursuit of another story with the same characters closer to what I wanted! But.. I don't think that's the case anymore!
While I won't give any sure promises (because i'm a very fickle person in a rather busy moment of my life) but i really wanna pick Broquest back up! I've been having ideas where i had difficulty in before.
BUT! I want to take my time to plan things more thoroughly, mostly so when/if I start it back up, It will go smoother.
For those who are still here and waiting for updates, I super thank you for your patience!! I was rather floored seeing people asking if BQ will come back! It definitely motivated me to want to pick it back up more.
In the mean time, I'm sorry to ask you guys again for EVEN MORE patience, but hopefully the next update will be a more exciting one.
No worries! Take your time!
And do it! Make it happen!
I know you can do it!
It doesn't matter if it will be in a week, months or years! Feel free to do it! :oD
Hey guys bad news update! I’ll have to cancel out that Side Quest update I mentioned at the last part of chapter 2.
I recently fell horribly ill and now I’m on bed rest. Which means I can’t get on my computer to draw.
This also means any work regarding broquest is delayed until I get better as well.
Sorry about this guys!! And again, Thank you for your patience!!
hey guys! I have Q:
If I were to make a discord server for Broquest for people/readers to come talk to each other and me, would you guys be interested? Reply if you are!
hey guys! Because of the hiatus I wanted to tell you that if you guys want to see more update from me, be it doodles or little broquest updates or just me crying about my comic, it'd be good to follow me on twitter!
I'm more active on there (although be prepared it's also where i cry about other things)
I'm @rockafiller on twitter or click here https://twitter.com/rockafiller if you guys are interested!