It's getting harder and harder to really work on stuff for it lately. Anymore, it just feels like work instead of being a fun thing; which is where I said I was going to stop.
I'd started the comic as a way to try and get more traffic to HSC, its original home, but the place died out save for a couple old vets reading reviews long before I'd reached twenty strips. This comic has been a zombie flailing around in the dark for far too long, so I'm gonna' lay out the future of this mess:
1. I can just abruptly stop, which would suck for pretty much everyone; but I'd be focused on the other stuff I've got going. I don't really like this option overall, but it would mean more Crypts & Crazies in the long run.
2. I can pull a page from P7 and just have summery pages to wrap up the story; this would mean you'd get a condensed version of my original plan without the black comedy and subtlety Steeve n' Friends does well. It'd wreck any pacing that was present, but you'd know how the story was going to end. I'd also be ending my work on it afterwards, so it'll be a last hurrah type thing.
3. I can go back to the roots of the comic. By that, I mean I'd drop the story and make strips more like the early ones; mostly about the joke with no real plot driving things forward. It'd also see a major change of cast; dropping a lot of characters and sticking a few new ones in with some break-neck changes in writing for some characters, like Steeve. This would probably keep Steeve n' Friends going the longest, but it'd be a different beast from its current form.
While you guys, as readers, are all over the place, I'd like to try and get a feel here of what you'd all want out of this.