I am back to doing some project. I am teaming with two people so can make a Sonichu game. Check me on twitter to see it's progress: https://twitter.com/HelenaGFiorenza
I am in charge for the art
(this is concept art)
Been talking with my friend and I wouldn't mind to go back to ARG my stuff but in that Zonichu twitter. It will be all drawn like in my @WayFace (on twitter) ARG. I need some time to get most details right but will go back to Pickchu adventures. Follow my @zonichu (on twitter) account so you see it happen
I have commissions open:
Black and white comic pannel with mosaic dotty things that look like grey tones are woth 5 bucks the pannel. Contact me via twitter and I use Paypal:
I have been working on this Tero bird oc for like a comic magazine I want to do. I even did a batch of face expressions for her like for the sprites I draw for video avatars. I like this Tero bird :3
Is she a furry or a scaly? my bf and I can't agree.
I wanted to make something with the feelings of the nomad self destructive culture I have. There are songs in Spanish and English.
Here is the playlist –> https://open.spotify.com/user/21e5ax7kjb4qbilchb36ph47y/playlist/7MXSKH4RlyDYozR6hiRmLm