I'm an animation student who hopes one day to be able to create comics efficiently and to a high standard some day. Today is not that day, but regardless, I hope you enjoy my works and the adventures in Weremen!
Seeing that the comic didn't go up until four hours ago. Wondering why that happened. Remembering you forgot to change the scheduled release time from PM to AM.
To all my dear subscribers who have been waiting 10,000 millenia for the next update of Weremen, holy cow, I am so sorry it's taking so long. School has been nothing but frantic and trying to get good footing in my works doesn't help for consistency in Weremen. Weremen has been pushed up on the priority list, so with luck, I can start getting you guys some content soon. Again, I am so sorry for it to have taken so long to get back on track and you all are so gracious to be subscribed to me. ;w;