... I know that this will come to some as a bummer, but due to technical difficulties and some personal reasoning, GalSaga will be suspended indefinitely.
This hasn't been an easy choice to make, but I feel as if I need to focus on my life ( getting settled into the job I currently have, take things day by day). I can't deliver my best work in this series where I have a definitive story to tell with the limitations I currently have tech and skill wise. So from the heart, I apologize for those who were/ are following that series.
... That being said, I will be continuing my work with Tales of Dvegr. The limitations I have with GalSaga don't quite conflict with TOD, being that it's considered more of a shorts series as I continue to develop my skill set and talents.
I hope that this set back will not be long for GalSaga, and that I will be able to continue the story of Jot and the Crew of the Arrowhead soon. Until then, I hope that I can entertain with Tales of Dvegr. Thank you for your time.
(As copied from the official FB page)
Due to some minor technical difficulties and some personal details ( I will be moving out of my current area in a bit) Both Tales of Dvegr and GalSaga will be delayed until further notice (To begin again this July/ August, currently writing next TOD episode, next GalSaga episode) . The move should be taking place near the beginning of July. Due to the current circumstances, however, I will be doing my best to get some new work up and online as to make the wait for my series update be a bit less of a hassle. I apologize for the inconvienience, and hope to be writing for you ( My audience and followers ) soon. Thank you for your time.
-- Joshua N. Isaac
250 views for Tales of Dvegr?!?
Thank you Followers, Twitter audience and comic lovers alike!
I'm happy to see so many people "dig" my comic!!
Over 200 views for Tales of Dvegr!
Thank you so much, viewers!
( Be sure to give GalSaga some love too! The picture here is a WIP of a Thank You Note given to subscribers, soon, I promise!!)
Thank You Again!!