Hello, I'm Olivia W.D. also known as One7rickArtist on other art platforms.
Aspiring artist yada yada yada you don't need this schpiel-- I just do stuff, comics are on the list too.
So regarding the lack of updates for Sleep1ess in particular. There will be a slight hiatus for it but once the update hits it will be containing all the missed weekly updates for the first chapter.
Hope nobody gets inpatient.. considering my rather unregular upload schedule.
Sorry for no updates on Sleep1ess yet. I got kinda overhelmed with everything else-- I will try to deliver a new page till 16th january.
Also coming up creation process of the two friends of Steven. Their personalities and stuff, those will be cut in parts to make the response come a bit faster heh.
Happy new year folks! Had in plans to post som silvester art related to my comics but... kinda overhelmed starting december 2017.
An update for MTA this week. Get your ideas for teachers prepared in your head. Names, accessories, possible hobbies, habits etc. or even get ideas for your own teacher or some school stuff writen down. I'd like to hear what you have in store for the school staff of MTA :)
Updates on Sleep1ess and MTA will be slightly delayed due to my first job shifts.
Nevermind then! I'm way to exhausted to be streaming today.. problem with focusing, slept only for 3 hours and worked since yesterday for 21hours. The stream will be tomorrow at 4pm CET or 4:30pm.
Hello there everyone!
I decided to make occasional updates once per month and we will actually see if this will last. I hope it does!
1) Regarding my two comic series shortly after this update I will be attaching the word 'hiatus' to Minion Tales before it gets fleshed out to 'Minion Tales Academy'.
Till the end of this week, that is till Sunday there will be an update there asking for things regarding for teachers of the academy. I'd really love to see you guys get involved and I'm open for discussion for ideas not really connected to Teachers.
2) I planned to publish two more pages of Sleep1ess this month. I'm like 30% done with the second page and I really hope to get the third one done during this month.
However, this story will be much darker than what I have posted anywhere so far. Touching some heavy topics down the line.
3) I will be creating a third "comic serie"(Clear sky) that for the time being will be not visible to the public. This 'container' will contain one shot stories that were not planned as full stories but I wanted to make some during phases.
4) And finaly, I'd like to say somethning about the comic priority. Because that is something others set up themselfs and some share this info and some dont.
Here it is how my priority will look for all the times:
1. Sleep1ess
2. 'Minion Tales Academy'
3. Clear sky
Seing that there wont be any new comments attached to my Minion Tales Annoucement I decided to sum up things up here with on my account with a post.
Gathering all the response it looks like this:
4 - reboot into "Minion Tales Academy"
1 - hold on to the original formula
1 + intresting idea of cross-world-adventure
Given the response I will be rebooting the comic into "Minon Tales Academy". As promised all of you will have a fair chance to take part in the creation process. Keep an eye out for uploads/updates in the comic :)
Thank you all for leaving a comment! It really means a lot to me! Even when it's like 10% of my actual subs it means like a hella ton to me ♥
We've come to this day, a very special i ndeed. Everyone's happy, as much as they'd need. But there are dead, disturbed at peace. Leaving their place, for scares and to feed.
Dont fear the reaper, smile back during this hallow night, at halloween.
Happy halloween everybody! Have a great time today guys :)