Hey everyone! I'm back... again! Hahaha! I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting… I’ve been very busy, lot of stuff going on, but, guess what!? I'm finally back with big news! I’ve started a new series, always about Angry & Happ’s stories! The link is below, please click it and give some support!
Now that I’ll be having two series, I have more work to do, hehe, but "Angry & Happ Shorts" will be updated more frequently.
Thank you guys! Sorry for disappearing all this time… I hope you enjoy the material I got for you.
Finally I'm back! I'm so sorry for the loooooong time I not post anything, work, college you know is stressful and painful hahaha. But I will be back this friday, so stay tuned for the new comic! :D
Yesterday was Angry & Happ birthday's. In fact I've been creating comics about them for 4 years, but in Tapastic is like 1 year and some months, and I hope some day be more popular, is not about the money, is make people laugh and entertain them. For my susbscribers thank you so much for the support, you put an smile in my face with a simply like. I will do my best. THANK YOU ALL! :D
Hello everyone! I'm back again! YAY! *imaginary applauses* please check out my new comic "Weather in Chaos" is my reborn at Tapastic hahahaha hope you like it and support it! That will help me a lot.