Sorry to the subscribers of the novel "The Last 7 Days of My Life - Nils Stylus Diary" for almost 2 weeks not updating the latest chapter of the novel. This is because of my unsupportive condition.
Hope for your understanding.
I want to tell all subscribers that this is the end of Dead Birthday's Book 1 : New World.
As an author, I am happy to have completed my first novel with a happy ending and some who are not. But Dead Birthday's didn't stop there. I'm writing a manuscript for the second book Dead Birthday's which tells about the aftermath of the war and the closer relationship between Mort Krueger and Lynn Hanover.
I thank the subscribers who have supported Dead Birthday's. It would be great if you promote to your friends about Dead Birthday's story. By reaching 100 subscribers, it can motivate the author to make the next story.
Even though it's too late, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to subscribers to Dead Birthday's fantasy-romance novel. Thank you very much for all the support and wait for Dead Birthday's book 2.
Inksgiving is fast approaching and every drop of ink given to ANY creators will contribute to the 20 million Ink milestone!!
For 48 hours, from Nov. 20th, 3:00PM PST until Nov. 22nd, 3:00PM PST, support your favorite creator and those Ink will contribute to the milestone.
Of course, any drop of Ink that will also come my way would totally appreciate :P
And, to quote one of my favorite YouTubers from BEFRS, "... if you can't give or don't even feel like it, that's okay too--- *insert rooster crowing* ---we're just happy you're here." xD