Hey guys! So there was supposed to be another update added to "It's Just BL!" last night, I apologize that I was unable to provide last night, as it turns out, college expects you to NOT forget about exams /(/0/^/0/)/ So please grant me forgiveness and make sure you stay in college the FIRST time because in your mid twenties it's a little harder to balance everything lol. ANYWAY!! my greatest apologies! And the episode will be up by this afternoon!! Thanks for all of the support loves!!!
Hello there!!! I have been in a bit of a slump lately and I just wanted to write something to get my creative juices flowing again! :) SO! I introduce you to my newest work: "It's Just BL!" A cute, funny story about a 17 year old guy named Coy who has a secret hobby....BL ;) Wellll it just so happens that it's not a secret for long because Coy carelessly brings a copy of his favorite BL manga to school one day, and low and behold, he is found out by the worst person possible! Please enjoy to your hearts content! Thank you for all of your support!!! :D
I just want to give a huge thank you to the Tapas community!
To all of my subscribers, friends I've met here, and of course the Taptastic team for choosing me for staff picks!
So here not only do I want to give thanks to everyone who has supported me so far, I want to acknowledge those who have drawn beautiful artwork for me...who have brought my novel to life in ways that I couldn't. Thank you so so much!
So here is some of the amazing artwork that have been created specifically for my characters and the tremendous thanks that I want to give the artists <3
The first drawing that was done for me was of "Grace" and is simply STUNNING!!!! @AnakingTinapay
This second one is GORGEOUS cover photo of Valley that just took my breath away OMG!!!!
Over the moon!!!
Thank you Tapas for putting me in your staff picks!!! I'm over the moon right now!!!! So overjoyed!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
And thank you to all of the wonderful writers on here who have and continue to inspire me keep up the phenomenal work! I would be no where with out inspiration!!!
And last but not least thank you to all of my subscribers and readers!!!
I came on here looking for just one person to read my work and enjoy it. Just one I could share my precious Collide with.
I never expected for it to have this many views.
I never expected to meet so many amazing authors and read their work, to be inspired by their work.
This site is amazing and I hope we can continue to help grow the site and help each other grow.